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After all the thoughts that rushed through Junki's mind after his three core classes, he decided to relieve his mind with his lunch. The table was curious and even a bit worried by how surprisingly quiet Junki had been, despite being the loudest. "Ehh, Junki-kun?" Shosei called out to the silent male that sat in front of him. He seemed to be so deep in his thoughts, which was true. He ate his food while looking down in his lap in curiosity, his mind over flowing with possible explanations about Masako and her parents. "Junki?" Sho called out his name.

Junki only ignored, continuing to eat his carbonara and overthink. "Oi, Kono!" Takumi hurled. Finally snapping out if his gaze, Junki's arms were quick to trap Takumi in a headlock. Sprawled across the table, Junki shouted. "Put a 'kun' on it!" Takumi patted Junki's arm, notifying him that he forfeited. "I give! I give!" Takumi yelped. Junki released Takumi out of his grip and continued to eat. "Junki, you seem out of it." Sho said to him. Junki began to chew slower. "Something on your mind?" Sho asked. Junki stared down into his lap and began to play with his food.

Sho tilted his head with a bit of worry. Suddenly, the school bell rang and everyone was dismissed to 4th period. Everyone got up, heading to their 4th period. Junki headed to his with his friends, Shosei and Ren. When they entered class, they were told to work on things they hadn't finished from this class or from another. Of course, Junki had no work to finish from any class, so he had free time to rest of the time. "Hey, Junki." He heard Ren say to him. Junki lifted his head to the pale haired male to hear what he had to say. "What's up with you? You're not this quiet usually." Ren said.

Junki shrugged at his question. Ren gave him a sigh. "Is it about that one girl again?" Ren asked. Junki stopped fiddling with his pencil and bit his lip just barely. "Uhh..." Junki knew he was caught as soon as he let that sound slip out. Ren looked at him with a small smirk. "So it is? What about her?" Ren asked, turning to Junki, giving him his full attention. Junki didn't want to say it out loud, scared to awaken the beasts that lie behind the girls that already talked about the rumor. "I'd rather not..." Junki said lowly, making Ren tilt his head in curiosity.

"Is it bad?" Ren asked. "Worst than I thought." Junki said. Ren scooted his chair closer. "Tell me." He whispered to Junki. Junki was a bit hesitant at first, but knew that he would've found out either way from how fast the rumors about Masako spread. Junki sighed before telling him what caused his silence throughout the day. "People are saying that Masako was the reason for her own parents' death." Junki whispered. Ren was shocked to hear such a think. He sat back in his chair in disbelieve. "How can someone just say that about someone?" Ren thought.

Junki could sense that he was feeling and for her automatically. "Right?" Junki said. Cut off by the bell, Junki and Ren quickly packed their things, witnessing people already leaving. It was a somewhat rough day for Junki, having only Masako on his mind. He wondered if the murmurs of the rumor had gotten to her yet. Knowing the students around the school, it must've already gotten to the teachers by now. Finishing 5th and 6th bell, Junki made his way to the entrance, waiting for Masako. Before spotting her, Junki caught Ren before he could leave. "Did you tell the others?" Junki asked.

Ren gave him a nod. "I did, but they said they already knew." Ren told him. Junki let out a sigh. He inference was correct, the rumor got around faster than expected. With that, he let his friend's head off as Masako left her friend's, now approaching Junki. "You're always gonna wait for me?" Masako asked him, walking with Junki. "Yea." Junki said, putting on a light jog to catch up to Massako, who was already around the corner of the gate. They walked together in the humid air in silence. "Hey..." Junki started, disturbing the silence.

Masako gave him a hum in response. "Are you okay?" He suddenly asked. Masako looked at him with a slightly tilted head. "What do you mean?" She said. "Masako, please don't act clueless." Junki said, stopping to look at her seriously. "The... rumor.." Junki pointed out. Masako didn't have anything to say, only looking down at their shoes. "Junki, you know it isn't true-"

"Of course I know it isn't true!" Junki said. "Ugh, my parents are really just on vacation for the rest of the year." Masako confessed. "Normally they tell me not to tell anyone. They've told me that ever since I was little." Junki was stunned to hear about that. "Why don't you just tell the whole school then? Where do they even come up with these lies?" Junki said as he continued to walk towards their neighborhood. "Masako, really..." Junki started, sounding serious. "why don't you tell them that they aren't true?" Junki questioned, yet again with a frown. Masako let out a sigh. "I will. One day though Junki. And I want you to be there when I do it."

Masako spoke with a smile. "Anyways, bye." Masako said, jogging the way back to her house. Junki was so caught up in the conversation that he hadn't realized that they arrived into their neighborhood already. Junki watched as she entered her house, leaving him out with the ind rushing through his hair. With that, Junki let out a smile at her words, thinking about them for the rest of his night.

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