you get kidnapped

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•you were walking home when a black van stopped Infront of you asking if you wanted to see a magic trick, you say yes and he grabbed you, sprayed something in your mouth and kidnapped you

•he was watching TV when his dad walked him is he knew anyone name Y/n L/n.

•Finney said you were a "friend" from school. And his dad told him that you were kidnapped.

•had a mental breakdown and had to stay home for few days.


•he was chilling at home when his uncle walked in telling him to not freak out when he told him the news.

•Robin promised to not freak out but that promise was was soon broken when his uncle told him the news.

•to get Straight to the point Robin broke down in tears.

•he fought anyone who said your name.


•was walking biking when he saw a bunch of missing posters. He got off of his bike and walked towards the posters.

•In the pile of posters he saw your picture. When he saw the poster he got his bike and went home to call your house. Your mom answered the phone and he asked if you were there, she said that you were missing and that's when he lost himself.

•he couldn't concentrate on school or baseball.


•when his mom told him he cried in her arms, but out in public he acts like he doesn't care at all

•Get irritated much more easily

•goes to jail for doing things much worse, but his parents can pay for it because you know how Vance can get.


•was biking home when he saw your missing poster.

•biked home fast and cried to rover.

•cries himself to sleep


•he saw your missing poster on the news.

•your the only person he speaks to other than his mom.

•stays home the whole day and doesn't go to school

•cries himself to sleep

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