They get kidnapped

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• Finney was suppose to go to your house for a sleepover for a week with Gwen because his dad was on a business trip.

• Gwen was already there at your house but Finney forgot something at his house and needed to go get it.

• You insisted on him going with your guard dog but he declined saying he would be fine and quick, you gave it up and you guys hugged and he started walking to his house.

• After 5 hours he still hadn't came back to your house and you got confused.

• you went up to Gwen and asked her if she knew where Finney was, and she said no she didn't you got confused because he left the house 5 hours ago so you went to ask your mom if any came back and just didn't see him and she also said no.

•say your mom got worried and everything and she called the police and that's how the whole missing posters came up

• and you were PISSED to the fact that a grown man kidnapped somebody and broad daylight and not just anybody somebody that was important to you

• so you weird went up while you tried not to literally break your whole house apart out of anger and you start to do some research about the grabber


• you, Robin, and Finney made plans to hang out at his house and Robin was in charge of getting the snacks after school

•and you assisted on him bringing your bodyguards with him and he said no because he was apparently strong enough to not get kidnapped *cough*

• 4 hours and 30 minutes after Robin left to look at the snacks no one heard of him so you called his mom to ask if he was there at his house and she said no

• you called his uncle to ask if he was with Robin picking out snacks and he also said no

• you called Finney to ask if he was already at his house and he said no he thought that he was with you

•you called his mom again and told her that Robin got kidnapped, she didn't believe you at first but you told her that you called his uncle and Finney to ask if he was with them but they both said no

• his mom called the police and told them what's going on and missing posters were now everywhere

• at first you were panicking because you thought like something bad is going to happen and you won't know but then you remember something.

• what's your number is a secret for the next chapter thing


•it was after one of his games after one of his games he was like talking to you about how Finney's arm was meant and you are like what the f*** are you talking about but she didn't say a lot because keep talking b**** I'm not going to listen anyway

•the both of you said your farewells and we're home because you guys were going to hang out the whole day tomorrow

•30 minutes after you got home the home phone rang and it was Bruce's mom you picked up the phone and she asked you if Bruce was there with you he said no and that you just got home and then she told you that Bruce has not come home yet and his sister saw his bike in the middle of the road

• his mom told you that she called the cops and needed help putting up missing posters and you helped worrying about Bruce.


• when you heard that Vans got kidnapped you got a what the f*** moment while being very confused on how vans got kidnapped

• but apparently from people who saw he got into somebody's car I think

• and yep that's it


• he was throwing delivering paper newspaper two people's houses and you were waiting there for 30 minutes, that's right Billy was late for 30 minutes you start getting confused because he was never late and if he was like he was like by a second

• so you called his mom to ask if he called in sick and she said no

• you walk the way the usually comes from and just saw his bike and his dog and you were like what the f*** and you looked ahead and you saw a black van basically speeding down the road and you were like f*** and quickly called the cops

• and you put up missing posters and informed his parents that he got kidnapped

• and those were one of the reasons why you always questioned on why he had a dog.


• you were about to go to his house to hang out because you guys make plans and when you got to his house his mom said that he come home from yesterday because yesterday you guys hang out and she thought that he stayed at your house

• that's how you called the cops and that's how you needed to go to therapy because you had a breakdown but can you call yourself down when you remember something also.

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