emotional dependence on you

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• After you got kidnapped you always have to stay close to him and always be touching him in some way because if you left him for 1 day he would have a panic attack

• That's the reason why he stayed at your house for 5 weeks because he was a wreck even his dad got concerned


• When you got kidnapped he didn't go to school for a week because he went INSANE because he thought you died

• when you got back you had to stay at his house for a week

• he kept crying


• you guys have known each other since birth so it should only make since that he is emotional attached to you


• boy is CLINGY when you guys are alone

• when you guys are in a room alone he is laying on your chest sleeping while you stroke his hair


• you are the one that cheers him up after a rough day, he would cry to you when he is sad


• when he found out that he was emotionally attached to you was when he couldn't go to school for a week and he didn't get to see you

• after day one he cried himself to sleep and had a pannick attack

• his mom had to call you and you went inside his room to calm him down

• that's when both him and his mom found out

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