6/6 arguments

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•"it's not my fault that you don't spend as much time your parent's" -Griffin

•if your wondering what is happening you and your boyfriend are arguing and he just said something really personal while your friends watch in shock

•While you guys were arguing you said something that was totally unrelated, heartbreaking, and hurtful to Griffin making him tear up and start crying

•before you could see him crying he ran home because he needed some privacy

•totally forgetting about your friends you run after Griffin because you saw tear drops in the floor

•when you got to his house his mom let you in

•when you got to his room you heard crying

•you knocked on the door, he didn't answer, you walked in and you sat down on the bed next to him

• he lifts of the blanket off of him and tried apologizing but you stopped him and apologized for the thing you said and making him cry

•you guys cuddled and had a sleepover

•your friends now keep check of you guys everytime you guys hang out together making sure your conversations are cute and I'm track.

Finally done with this series 😴

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