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Third Person:

The door knob lock fiddled, until the brunette successfully swung the door open. The four boys walk into the spotless Hotel room speechless. Those four being Karl Jacobs, Sapnap, George, and Dream. 

Sapnap had the lovely idea of going to Las Vegas for a Feral boys meetup. Everyone agreed with these plans, especially since a Hotel reached out and was willing to give them a five person Hotel for free if they did a sponsor. Everyone was able to get a flight on time, everyone but Quackity. Quackity was arriving tomorrow at eleven am, and there was no chance they could loose the amazing opportunity to get a five star Hotel for free. So they booked it and had to accept the fact that it would only be them four for the night.

They look around the room in awe, grazing over the modern pieces Incorporated into the Hotel. The one thing they are specifically drawn to is the amazing view in the living room. The window against the comfy couch showed a beautiful field of vision to all of the buildings in Las Vegas. All of the neon light up signs blinded them, but they loved the sight so much they couldn't force their eyes to look away. The way the midnight sky contrasted with the flashing casino lights was breath taking, almost addicting.

After touring around the place, the boys plopped themselves on the couch and turned on the TV. 


Sapnap POV:

News flash: Vegas television is boring! There is barley anything to watch, or anything we're interested in. George has already passed out on Dream's shoulder, which was expected. I notice Dream's cheeks get rosy whenever he shuffles and gets more comfortable. 'Simp,' I think.

Karl flips through different channels, looking for something actually interesting. I look out the window to admire the beautiful scenery again.

My eyes wander across the buildings. Each one has it's own unique thing about it, a thing that I can't name. I soon get bored of the sight and start to turn back to the TV, when something catches my eye. A casino mall? It seemed like they were combined, one layer a casino, the other layers a big mall. I turned back to the bored Karl and Dream with an idea.

"You guys, look!"

They both looked outside confused.

"What Sap? We already saw this?"

I shook my head and pointed to the window, Dream rolled his eyes.

"You're pointing like that would help us. Can you just tell us what you see?"

"A casino mall god dammit!"

They both look even more confused than before.

"So... What about it?"

I lay a palm on my forehead. How could these people be so dumb!

"Idiots! We could go on a late night shopping spree!"

Their mouths form an 'o' shape, as they both nod their head.

"I guess that would be kind of cool. When does it close?"

I look back at the building, but it doesn't say what time it closes or opens.

"I have no idea, it doesn't say."

"Well it can be a quick shopping spree, right?"

"Yeah, a quick shopping spree! Like Karl said!"

Dream nods his head more and smiles.

"Okay! We just have one problem..."

Dream points to the sleeping log on him. I roll my eyes, walk over, and shake him awake. He jolts up from my aggressive shove.

"Geez Sapnap! What's your problem!"

"Get in the car loser, we're going shopping!"


Dream POV:

George groans and stretches, soon leaning back onto the couch. Sapnap snatches his keys from the nearby coffee table. Karl gets up and grabs his coat, I do the same. The raven unlocks the door with a twist of his keys and gets ready to walk out. A soft snore makes us all stop in our tracks.

George, it's always George.

I sigh and facepalm myself.

"George, we have to go now,"

I alarm. He stays put and shakes his head.

"Just give me five-"

He dozes off right then and there, mid-sentence. Sapnap sighs while Karl's eyes flick between the three of us.

"So... Who's going to carry him?"

"NOT IT!,"

we all say not it at the same time, leaving us stumped. I look at Sapnap and suggest he carries George.

"I mean you've been working out, you should be able to carry him!"

"Oh hell naw, Karl you should do it! You guys are really close!"

"Mmmm no thanks. Dream, you should! There's no reason not to!"

We sit in silence for a little before I shake my head. My cheeks warm up while a blush creeps up to my ears. There's no way I'm holding him. His head resting on my shoulder was enough contact for a day. His touch practically makes my heart melt and I don't know why!

"Come on Dream, take one for the team please!"

"No, I don't want to!"

"Well what's you excuse?"

I don't say anything. Why would I tell them about George making me feel weird ways? Karl and Sapnap smirk knowing they've won.

"Yup, that's all you buddy!"

Sapnap hands me the room card walks out the room with Karl, leaving me all alone with George. I look back at the brunette in a deep sleep, here goes nothing. 

I approach George and wrap my arm around the lower part of his back. This movement somehow wakes George up.


he mumbles as he slowly stirs awake. 

"Shh, go back to sleep."

I shush him back to sleep. He nods his head and rests his body again, lashes fluttering as his eyes close. I grab his shoulders and lift him up bridal style. My heart beat increases significantly. Here we go again, my feelings getting the best of me. Why do these things happen when I'm near George?

I lift him up and out the room. I walk through the empty halls of the hotel room with him in my arms. George moves his hands onto my chest and cuddles his head further into my arm. I smile at his movement. How can one person be so cute?

I finally arrive to the car with George sleeping peacefully in my arms. I know it's illegal to drive with someone on your lap but I don't want to let him go. Even so, I let him lay against the window in the back seat. I sit in the middle so I can be close to him.

When Sapnap starts the car George wakes up once again. He looks around until he finds my eyes. I share a smile with him. George lays his head on my shoulder and intertwines out hands, not taking long to fall into a deep sleep once again. 

Night in The Mall ~ A Karlnap and Dreamnotfound Short StoryWhere stories live. Discover now