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Btw this fanfic will be done by Spring break! I go to a private school so the spring break I'm talking about starts on the 10th of March. It's ending then because I actually have a schedule to post another fanfic! But yeah, just FYI!

Third Person:

The footsteps of the guard get softer and softer as the second pass by. By one minute their footsteps are completely silent, signaling that the two could most likely talk.

George pushes himself off of Dream, being to close from running into him.


George starts, not really knowing what to say. Dream stares at him awkwardly, not knowing what to say either. The older tries to form words and speak them into existence, but they all just come out as a word vomit.


"Woah! Slow down!"

Dream chuckles softly as the brunette's rant. George takes a deep breath and calms himself. Dream beats him to talking this time.

"I understand your sorry, and I forgive you. I was literally about to go say sorry to you now!"

George let's out a breath of relief and engulfs Dream in a hug. The dirty blonde just stands there with George's arms around him like a clueless dear in headlights.

"Oh thank God! I thought you would never forgive me!"

George smiles over Dream's shoulder, a grin splitting Dream's face as well. Dream grasps George's shoulders, bringing him back out so he can view his face.

"I just want to know one thing. Why did you follow me?"

"Well like I said before in my little rant I said it to apologize-"

"Yeah but do you really mean your apology?"

George pauses, gaze shifting down at his feet. Although his head is facing the ground, Dream can tell his face flushed up in all shades of red. He places his finger on George's chin and tilts his head up. Once he sees the Brit's face his theory is confirmed.

George tries opening his mouth to speak once again, but is found speechless just like earlier. George looks into Dream's eyes, almost getting hypnotized and forgetting about Dream's question. He manages to gain his voice back not too long later.

"Yes. Yes I do."

Dream smirks and brings his face closer.

"Sorry for what?"

"Sorry for saying love is nothing in this situation."

George's eyes flicker from Dream's angel eyes and his plump pomegranate lips.

"I have another question for you George."

Dream's voice goes all raspy, really catching George's attention.

"Is love nothing in this situation?"

George sighs and smiles. His blush intensifies deeply. He follows Dream's previous movements and leans in closer to the taller's face.

"No Dream. Love is not nothing in this situation."

And with that they close in the space between them, letting their drive for love take control. They share a chaste kiss, nothing deeper. The two live in the moment, and enjoy the simplest kiss, not escalating it any more.

They separate for air and look into each other's eyes. This time they are both speechless. They've met the peak of the night, and the first peak of their relationship.

When they think they found peace they hear a noise, more specifically mumbling. The noise gets closer and closer. They shut up and stand still, nervous to move or say a thing. But as the noise gets closer they notice it's two voices, communicating back and forth. Highly recognizable voices at that.


Sapnap POV:

"Georgeee! Dream! Pissbaby!"

"Thing one and thing two!"

Karl and I laugh and make silly names for the two. We yell out aimlessly, assuming there would be no guards. We hear a shuffle come from somewhere near. Karl and I freeze.

"Dream? George? Is that you?"

It stays silent for a minute, signalling we should run. But then a quiet voice is heard.

"Sapnap? Karl?"

Suddenly two idiots run out from a somewhat hidden hallway. I definitely didn't see it. Karl's eyes widen and he runs up to George. George does the same. The two hug each other and jump around, happy to be together at last!

"I'm so sorry for leaving, but I did find Sapnap!"

"It's okay! I can be a little up tight sometimes!"

I walk up to them and join the conversation. We all socialize for a little until George has a realization. He shushes everyone and listens for any movement that's not from our group. Once he notices the coast is clear, he explains.

"Okay so it apparently must be four because Dream and I saw a guard not too long ago, so just be careful!"

We all silently nod our heads, voices going down to a whisper. Suddenly the lights flick on, giving us a quick headache.

"Yup... Definitely is past four!"

Dream starts.

"Well does anyone have anything to do? Any conflict now that we've found each other?"

We look around at each other, waiting for someone to break the silence. George ends up speaking first.

"So since we have nothing to do, why don't we just enjoy ourselves! I men that's why we cam here, right?"


Karl agrees instantly.

"Any rules?"

The group thinks. George and Dream shake their head no. I quickly come up with one.

"Rule one and only rule, don't get caught!"

Night in The Mall ~ A Karlnap and Dreamnotfound Short StoryWhere stories live. Discover now