School sucks becos i have exams and just i'm srry



5 days later.

"And that's how I broke my leg." Charlie finished his story on how he broke his leg. He was quite talkative for my taste, but it was better than nothing. He kept telling me his cheesy jokes and other stories about his bestfriend Keith.

"So, was it on purpose?" I asked him, turns out he fell off the roof because Keith dared him to ride a shopping cart and do a flip in mid-air, I don't think thats phyically possible.

"Eh, 50-50" He balances out his hand, "But it was totally worth it, He gave me my $10."

"You've done all that.. just for $10?" I raise my right eyebrow, turning his head towards me, his eyes searching mine,

"Yeah." He said, nodding his head, "But my mom took it away, so nevermind it was totally not worth it." He chuckled.

I slightly laughed, my throat was a little sore, but I could manage. The nurse wearing a clown costume randomly came over, and gave me a gift bag full of girly shit. Nail polishes, make-up, hair ties, etc. It was supposely to keep me entertained, but I don't have a mirror, and I don't like make-up that much. Charlie, he got the cool stuff, he got a paddle ball, play-doh, bubbles, a whistle, and those small colorful spinning tops.

I'm wondering, why hasn't my mom come over yet, did they at least call my mom and tell her I'm in the hosptial? Seriously.

Turns out, I'm staying in the hospital for 2 weeks, due to the trauma in my head, I also caught pneumonia, it's not that bad, but it hurts to cough.

The nurses came in with trays of food, it was lunch time. Hospital food is gross, Lastnight for supper, we had smoked salmon, it was runny, squishy, and it did not look smoked at all. Today for lunch, it was a ham and cheese sandwich, with a fruit cup and apple juice.

"Alright. eats!" Charlie sat up, shaking the bottle of apple juice, before untwisting the cap off and taking large gulps. It reminded me of the movie 'Elf'. When Buddy drank a whole 2L of Coke, and the loud burp that erupted to house.

"Mackenzie?" Charlie snapped me out of my trance, "Are you gonna eat?"

I looked down at tray, gulping. "Y-yeah." I stutter.

"Well, go on." He raised his eyebrows.

I shook the apple juice, and put it aside, I uncovered the plate, revealing the slump of wet bread, and the slightly green ham. I crinkled my nose in disgust, "Who would eat this?" I poked the sandwich, making juices squirt out.

"I'll eat it!" Charlie exclaims, I move the tray towards him, but before he can grab it, the doctor walked in. Charlie immediately moved his hand back to his bed.

"Good afternoon, Charlie." He gestures toward Charlie before turning to me, "Mackenzie." he smiled, his crows feet showing at the end of his eyes.

"Mm." Charlie mumbled, due to the food stuffed in his mouth.

"Good afternoon." I nodded, looking out the window, it was raining today.

"Not hungry, I see." The doctors voice echoes across the room, I snap my head back towards him, before looking down at the food,

"Oh, I'm starving." I flash a fake smile at him,

"Your food doesn't seem like it has been touched." The doctor narrows his eyes at me, the room feeling like it's gotten 100 degrees hotter,

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 07, 2015 ⏰

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