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On the way back Obito kept close to you. You kinda liked it.

"How are you feeling?"

You smile at him "I'm fine, just alittle tired. It's as to be expected. I promise I'm fine Obito."

Obito looks at you as if contemplating. "It's just  I really thought you were dead."

"I kinda was."

Obito frowns "your strong f/n, I never imagined you'd go down that easy."

You blush "thanks. I was caught by surprise though."

"I think we all were." Kakashi says

"Ick spiders." Rin says.

"I absolutely hate them." You say.

"Did I tell you all that Kushinas expecting.?" Minato says making you all stop in your tracks.

You turn to him "No way! A baby!?"

He nods

"Congratulations!" You all say together.


"Are you excited?" You asks.

Minato looks up at the sky adjusting the body on his back.

"I am. We are."

You giggle "well atleast your good with Kids."


Once finally at gates of the village Minato takes off first to deal with the deceased.

"Ill meet you all infront of the hokages office." He says before taking off.

You all didn't have to wait to long. You even saw the hokage in a decent amount of time. After your visit you all exit the building.

You count your reward. "Anyone for ramen?"

Obito nods "I'm in!"

"I'll pass. I need a nap." Kakashi says.

"I think I'll pass too. Thanks though." Rin smiles then walks away with a wave.

"It's just us?" You ask.

Obito nods "looks like it."

"Alright then, come on!" You take Obitos hand and take off running.

A hot bowl of ramen is placed infront of you.
You put your hands together
"Thanks for the food and bless the hands that's prepared it!"

You then dig in. You and Obito put away two bowls before your satisfied.

"That was super good after a long mission."

Obito nods "yeah, I got to get home to gran though."

You nod. "My granny is probably wondering if I'm back."

You both pay your tab and start your walk home.

As you walk you look up at the sky.

"Why don't you fawn over Kakashi like Rin?"

This catches you off guard. "I don't find him attractive. He's not the one that has my heart."

Obito looks at you "somone has your heart?"

"If they want it. I don't think they want it though."

"I see. They would be lucky to have you."

You nod "yeah, you too."

My Heart (Obito x reader)Where stories live. Discover now