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The next morning I got woke up to a loud car speeding by the apartment complex. It was very annoying but I did need to wake up. I got up and did my regular routine, I didn't get any texts from daron. So I decided to go job hunting because I was running low on money fast. So I decided to go to town and go find some jobs. I stupidly got lost trying to find a job, "damn it really did change a lot in 8 years" I thought to myself, remembering the times in high-school the two weeks before I was leaving for Minnesota me and Daron snuck out at night and met up at the park near our houses and i got lost a lot in the process, I smiled remembering that, blushed a little.

I looked around and turned around to try to relocate where I am and try to find my way back, still lost. I went inside a coffee shop to ask for directions, I saw a man, around 5'10, goatee, curly hair. He looks very familiar to me for some reason, i couldnt put my finger on it, all the other people there looked kinda intimidating, so ill just ask him. I walked up to him and tapped him on the shoulder.

"Uh, I'm sorry to bother you, I just need directions"

he turned around and gave a warm smile, "Oh! Dont worry, where do you need to go?"

"I need directions to the (whatever tf idk) complex"

he nodded and gave the directions,

"Thank you so much sir!"

"My pleasure, see you around"

I left and followed the directions.

I found my apartment around 11:25am surprisingly, I felt my phone vibrate in my pocket, it was from daron.

"Hey, we're getting ready to go to the studio to practice, would you like to go today?"

I replied "sure I'll be waiting outside of the complex" I put my phone back into my pocket and waited, a black Mercedes came up and honked assuming it's daron I walked up and the person in the car rolled down the passenger window and it was Daron, 3 other guys were in there,


he said "get in bitch we goin to the sex dungeon" Daron said rolling up the window laying back,

I giggle a bit and the back door opened up and a guy about 6'0(why is almost everyone in soad almost or is 6'0 my gawd) bald with a weird beard got out and said "smallest goes in the middle, backseat rules'' he said.

I gave a awkward smile and got into the car and sat down. The guy in the driver's seat was the guy that gave me directions, I said nothing and the guy got in next to me, I was squished between two guys, felt weird and awkward. The guy in the driver's seat said "it might take a while since we're stuck in traffic who wants the amp" the guy next to me, he had a buzzcut replied quickly before Daron reacted "I WANT IT" "Hell no he's gonna play fuckin Elton John or something gay like that, don't let him Serj" Daron whinned,, "Daron… for the last time,I'm not fucking gay" buzzcut man replied "Sure gaylord" Daron said in a teasing way. The man in a buzzcut groaned. After listening to them tease each other we finally arrived at the studio. We all got out of the car and went into the studio, I went over to Daron "daron.. who are these people" Daron looked at me confused "you guys met before? Do you not remember" I looked at Daron "I barely remember what happened last week, daron" I replied.

Daron groans "Guys, you never introduced yourselves to Y/N" Daron said looking over at them setting up their instruments, the curly haired guy turned around to look at me "I'm Serj" he went back to what he was doing, the guy with a buzzcut was setting up his drums looked up "John" and the bald guy continued what he was doing while saying in a flat tone "Shavo", Daron said with sarcasm in his voice "Wow, those were the best introductions in the whole world,

John said in a teasing tone "Daron, I don't see you being excited"

"look what I'm saying it's the first time we ever invited somebody over in a while and we should at least be a little bit nice" Daron said sounding like he's tryna make a point.

" Daron I know your happy that you have a lover to cover up the fact that your gay-" shavo said but Daron interrupted sounding like a little kid "I'm not gay, and they're not my lover shavo"

"sureeee, not like you were talking all about them last practice" shavo said teasing

I blushed and Daron turned bright red " SHAVO! I was just excited to see her after a lot of years.." he said crossing his arms, Serj chuckled overhearing the convo, John was too focused on his snarl drum.


Till The End, Daron Malakian x Reader[DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now