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"I WAS WONDERING" A VOICE SCREECHED from behind me. I huffed turning to the boy stood behind me a big goofy smile plastered on his face.
I honestly just wanted to get home, another week complete at this hellhole I didnt exactly wanna stay any longer than I needed to.

I crossed my arms staring up at the pale boy,his impeccable curls drifting across his face,ew why did I call them impeccable.
Ew why am I admiring Craig's hair.

"So this English project,I was wondering if maybe we could work on it-"

"Let me stop you there" I spoke putting my hand in his face,he shut up staring back at me as I gathered my words.

"You can't come over to my house" I stated that was my main rule no one could EVER come over to my house,it was embarrassing having such an unstable mother who would flirt with any guy that walked through the door and a different man every month who people presumed to be my father.

I hated it,if people didn't know about my home life I would never be embarrassed simple.

"Okay,well maybe you can come mine.
My....joey would uh,let you come over" he corrected himself,I squinted at him finding his correction a bit suspicious but nevertheless I didn't question it,i stood up from the steps walking into the school as he followed like a lost puppy.

"Well your joey seems nice and all but,I can't come over tonight, family dinner" I smiled,walking towards my locker and opening my locker grabbing my English textbooks.

"How about tommorow night?" Craig suggested as I shut my locker and walked towards the exit.






"Are you ever not busy"

"Yes" I answered turning to him.

"But I don't have time for you,bye craig"i smiled leaving the boy in the corridor,I skipped down the school steps walking towards the benches waiting for my super popular brother.
I soon heard him.
Key word heard,him and his minions Toby and JT.
The three jogged over mischievously.
I could tell they were up to something,they were always up to something I mean a week ago Aiden and JT were helping Toby practically starve himself and develop an eating disorder.

I won't blame them, they didn't know about Tobys lack of eating but they sure didn't help me him out in the right way.

"Dude go on" JT mumbled nudging Aiden into my direction,now I knew they were definitely up to something when did my brother ever need a nudge to talk to me...TO ME?

Aiden walked over to me slowly an innocent grin growing on his face.

"Hey sis"he sang sitting beside me,I turned to him questioning his presence he could tell by my eyes I wasn't in the mood for his little antics so he opened his mouth.

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