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I HATE MY LIFE,I HATE MY LIFE I HATE MY LIFE I absolutely hate my life. My mom had let us back into the house the next morning we just stuck it out in the shed. She hasn't kicked us out the house yet but she also hadn't spoken to us yet.

I wasn't shocked she was acting the way she was, she was absolutely hypnotised  by Tony. She was a mess I couldn't understand how she could love such a monster. But i dont understand a lot of things,and like she always said i need to stay out of adult business funny cause she's in the adult business.

Me and Aiden avoided disrupting our mother and Tonys daily argument,we crept round the house slowly,eventually getting out.

i was dreading today,i couldn't face craig,i didnt wanna face him and to make things 10x worse the English project is due today isn't that great. the whole journey to school was met with silence aiden ran across the street holding his hands in his pockets. i just watched as he dispersed as we got closer and closer to school.
he soon disappeared running off to toby.
And i was left alone per usual,i rushed up the school steps walking straight to homeroom there was no point hanging round.

i sat down as the room began to fill up, i plopped my head on the table Trying to stray away from speaking to well...anyone.

I soon felt the creak of the chair next to me just knowing the boy beside me was dreading to speak up.

"hey" he spoke up shocking me,i lay silently refraining from uttering a word to that idiot.

"i know you're mad,but we have the english project today and i...are we doing it?" he asked,i sighed sitting up and leaning back in my chair swinging slightly. I didn't answer and the fact he even had the bravery to speak to me after yesterday.

I stayed silent,i could feel him staring at me,he sure was worried.
Once homeroom ended i got up quickly walking outside,i didn't really care what my mom said,she could kick me out i couldnt care less anymore there was no way i was gonna stay in thay school after the whole thing yesterday with Craig.

"Lily!" a voice shouted,i turned being met with the plague.

"English project"

"oh go suck a butt Craig,im not doing the stupid English project"

"after all our hard work"

"oh shut it,how about that" i shouted turning and walking away.
I felt a bit bad throwing him under the bus but he shouldnt have thrown me under the bus the other day,i stormed away from school soon finding myself several blocks away regretting my decision, i should go back right,i should say i left something at home had to get it....
They wouldn't believe me anyway.

I walked and walked and walked,not exactly knowing where i was going to go but i soon found myself at the mall,i decided to go check out the music store,this is where i felt the most at home,i went to check out some mcr record letting my fingers flick through the stand of cds and as i walked to the next stand i sadly bumped into someone i didnt exactly like.

"excuse you" they hissed as they jolted back wiping their tracksuit from my poverty smell,i rolled my eyes looking  up at the boy stood before me.

"whatever" i hissed shoving past him,i could hear him scoff as footsteps began following behind me.

"havent you got an english assignemnt to do?" he asked standing beside me as i flicked through the stacks.

"havent you?" i snapped back staring the boy down before turning back to the stand.

"So you havent forgiven craig i guess" he nodded.

"you know what jimmy mind your business"

"you're gonna let him fail?" he asked a bit of sterness in his voice,i stayed quiet not wanting to entertain this conversation.

"Dude he's had a hard enough life he barely passes english,the least you could do is help him out" he stated.

"why arent you helping terri" i asked.

"terri is fine,we videod ours,but it doesnt matter what craig did,all he's ever wanted was to make joey proud and he's struggled doing that, you leaving him out to dry like this is horrible"

"and why would i help someone who made rumours about me"

"it makes you the bigger person and you can't be mad at something thats true"

"hey" a voice perked up behind us,i turned noticing a red headed boy walking closer to us looking nervously at Jimmy.

"you okay?" he asked tapping me on the shoulder i stayed silent staring at jimmy.

"no,he was just leaving" i stated causing jimmy to kiss his teeth and walk away.
How can Jimmy Brooks of all people make me feel bad for someone who wronged me. Ugh i hate guilt.

"you alright?" the boy asked.

"fine thanks" i huffed.

"alright glad you are" he smiled he had a pretty smile,i smiled back walking out the shop and deciding to leave the mall,i was only there for around an hour or so and even though i really didnt want to go back to that school i found myself back at degrassi looking through my english class window as coincidentally Craig walked to the front of the classroom nervously getting out his sheet of dialogue.
he stood there for a good 5 minutes before laughter erupted and miss kwan asked him to sit down.

Did i feel bad....yeah.

did i regret my choice i dont know.

but i shouldnt be the one feeling bad it should be him...i mean it should be him?

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