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LIFE HASNT BEEN EASY AT HOME with my mums new boyfriend,he's alright i guess,much nicer than her last ones but...he's just always there.
He never leaves,its like he's stuck to the couch.
The man is literally a freak of nature,why couldn't my mum just stay single. 
To be honest the world single wasn't even in her vocabulary.
But I think she's finally taking a break from men.

I went home last Friday to find the couch empty,maybe he went out for a bit I thought,but he didn't come back. Monday rolled round and the couch was still empty.
Finally,no more unwanted men in our lives at least thats what i thought.

Right now my mums boyfriends were the least of my worries in fact Craig manning was.
I sat on the bench outside of school tapping my foot to heart shaped box by nirvana.
It was one of the very few songs that I adored.
I munched away on the pack of m&m's I stole from Aiden this morning,i bet he was around here somewhere messing around with one of his dweeb friends.

I began tapping my hand against my thigh constantly creating a 4/4 pattern.
But my eyes soon recognised a pair of battered converses.
I looked up plopping a m&m into my mouth.
I scowled my eyes being met with Craig the very boy I had been hiding from.
It wasn't just Craig I had been hiding from it was everyone.
I could feel the cold eyes of paige Michaelchuk every corner I turned, I could also feel spinner mason always glancing at me,jimmy beside him cackling away.

But there was nothing I could do,so I hid.
I had been at this school for a whole month and I hadn't made any friends,I kept myself to myself but even with that I wasn't left alone.
I stared up at Craig as he tried to communicate with me.
I so obviously couldn't hear him with my headphones on full blast.
But I could read his lips.
Eventually he grabbed the headphones of my head.
I looked at him in shock,who did he think he was.

"Hey" he blew,I rolled my eyes at him grasping for my headphones as he yanked them away from me.
I crossed arms leaning back in the bench.

"Its been 2 weeks lily and our assignment is due next Monday,we've not even started and my...joey says that if I fail another English assignment he's grounding me for life"he yapped,as he stopped he stared atcme his eyes pleading with mine.

"Alright"i shrugged.

"We can work on it?" He asked a smile forming on his face.

"I never said we couldnt"

"You always say your busy"

I shrugged,I didnt know what he wanted from me it's not that I didnt wanna do this assignment it's just that I didn't wanna do it at my house, if Craig had simply suggested to use his home I would've most definitely accepted,oh wait...he did.
Anyway if he said let's go to the library or something then sure.
But he never suggested that he always wanted to come to mine.
Which was pretty weird to be honest.

"Okay then your house?" He asked,I knew it why was he so obsessed with wanting to come to mine,I nodded nevertheless with a boyfriendless home and one couch potato gone,I finally felt safe enough to invite Craig over without the fear of the unknown waiting beyond the door.

Craig beamed as the bell rang.

"So I'll meet you here after school?"He asked backing away towards the school I nodded in response.
He turned childishly skipping up the stairs i shook my head looking down at my hand realising the missing headphones that were once on my head,I looked back up at the stairs, Craig now being beyond my line of sight.

"So you and Craig huh?" A voice asked from beside me I turned my eyes meeting with hers....Paige Michalchuk,this was the first time Paige had said something to me that wasnt a snarky remark.
I glanced at her shaking my head and walking away.
I could hear her scoff and her heels clacking away.
I found it so amusing seeing Paige michaelchuk angry.
And the only way to make her angry was to,well ignore her.

I had two more lessons before the end of school maths and Art.
Two subjects I thoroughly enjoyed due to the fact I slept really well in maths and I made finger puppets in art.
By the end of the day I walked out of school stood by the stairs waiting for Aiden and Craig.
I could hear Aiden from a mile away per usual he was clammering out with his *crew* as he calls them,think he's been listening to too much hip hop.

Aiden walked down the stairs walking straight past me,I guess i wasn't important to him no more,I whistleled as he flicked his head round towards me,he skipped back up to me as I scowled.

"What,am i a ghost?"

"Sorry" he apologised pushing his brows together,he was apologetic it was obvious,I smirked turning towards the glass doors as Craig came out flashing me a smile from the top of the steps.

"Ready to go?" Craig asked a wide smile beaming on his face.

"To go?" Aiden questioned looking to me for answers.

"Me and Craig have an English assignment to finish,so he's coming over"

Aiden tugged at my shirt causing me to shift towards him my back now facing criag.

"Did you ask mum?" He questioned a hint of fear lingered in his throat.

"She's not home till 8" I shrugged.

"And we really need to work on this assignment,will you keep your mouth shut?" I asked him,I was practically pleading with the boy,it's not that our mother would be you know upset with me bringing back a boy from school it was more like she would flirt with any boy.

"Only if I can have my friend over" Aiden smirked slyly.

"Only one" I agreed,Aiden ran down the stairs towards his *crew*. He soon returned to me.
"We're gonna go down to Dot's I'll be back soon"

"Alright" I shrugged. I skipped down the steps as Craig followed close behind,he clinged onto his backpack straps walking beside me as he bombarded me with his ideas.
Our project was to do a film piece on one of Shakespeares plays hamlet.
Craig had taken a fine liking to hamlet me on the other hand didn't have any attraction to any of Shakespeare plays.

"Well I was thinking we could do  ophelia and hamlet a scene with them?" He suggested turning to me for acceptance.

"I mean sure" I agreed having no clue what to say I had barely listened as we read in English.

"Okay so what about when ophelia runs mad" he asked flicking through the book of scenes now in his hands.

"How about no" I snatched the book skim reading everything till I stopped on a page.

"Act 3 scene 1" I looked up at the boy as he stared down at him not really knowing what i was talking about.

"We'll think about it when we get back home to mine"

"Alright" Craig agreed.

I walked in silence as Craig droaned on and on about the music he was Into and how he found my chemical romance cliché and overplayed,I merely shot him a dirty look.
But soon enough I didn't have to listen to his stupid rant.
I walked up my porch steps they creaked as Craig walked up them.i could tell he was disgusted by the place I could tell his neighbourhood must've been much better than mine but what was I to do.

I unlocked the door ushering him in before kids on bikes came to try and rob him.
He took his shoes of standing in the open corridor his eyes moving around the room.

"Welcome home" I beamed walking into the kitchen.

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