Chapter Nineteen - Elizabeth Fucking Giovanni

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She is here

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She is here. I felt her presence before they even announced her family. The irritation I felt about having to be forced into a marriage with someone I do even know. Someone who was probably spoiled all there life and has never had to work a day in there life. 

Sadly those women are a dime a dozen here in the mafia world. You have the wives and daughters who all they care about is shopping and how they look. The ones that will feed on your money and soul until you are forced to find someone else. 

That is something I never want to do. However I have seen countless men in my life resort to cheating on their wives. This is something I find descanting and dishonorable. 

I plan to keep her at a distance, not to engage unless absolutely necessary. I have a mafia to run I do not need to worry about my wife as well. 

"Introducing your hosts, the Italian's, the Giovanni's!"

Everyone's eyes move straight to them. I see my allies and family friends I have known forever and then between the brothers I see her, Elizabeth, my future wife.



She is captivating. She has a natural beauty to her that makes her stand out. The way she holds herself as she walks down the stairs makes you hold your gaze to only her. She is simply... gorgeous. 

No. I can not think of her like that. I can find her attractive, it will certainly make having an heir easier. However I can not think like this for so many reasons. The main one of her becoming my weakness. If I fall for my wife it will only become pain. 

As she is descending down the last of the stairs I pull my eyes aways and notice everyone else staring. Especially all of the men. There is no way that I will ever let any fucking man touch her. They can look but she is mine and if she feels uncomfortable by their stares then I will fucking tear there eyes out, not because I care. It is because she is mine, my wife. 

Anthony, my best friend and second goes up to a man. I believe his name is Liam. I know that his family is high up in the Italian Mafia ranks. I look around to find her again and my heartrate starts to pick up. 

That is until I see her walking up to my best friend and that man. The way she smiled at him makes my heartrate pickup again and having a weird feeling in my stomach. 

I watch as the three of them interact. Anthony and Liam are not showing emotions as well as her beside the smile she gave them at the beginning. However, you can see that they are comfortable with each other. I wonder how Anthony knows her. Liam is obvious because they come from the same mafia, but still it makes me wonder. 

~~ A Few Hours Later ~~

As the night went on I stayed in the background watching everyone interact with each other. Nobody went up to me besides a few Dons. I like it that way, small talk makes my skin crawl. 

I try to watch everyone and how they all interact to gain some knowledge, because I am a firm believe that knowledge is power however all I seem to be able to look at is her. I found myself multiple times throughout tonight fighting myself to not to go up to her. 

I see my best friend come up to me, "Looking around?"

"Something like that?"

"I hate these things."

"Tell me something."


"The night I found out about Elizabeth, you talked as though you cared about her, as if you knew her. Then tonight I see you talking. Tell me where did you meet?"

"I will tell you I do know her. Beside you she is one of my best friends. However, it is not my story to tell how I meet her."


"Sorry man but no."


"I know but trust me. She is worth it. I know that you do not want a wife, however I know that she is the best person for you."


"Okay that's it?"

"Yup, want to leave?"

"I thought you would never ask."

~~ Two Hours Later ~~

I am lying in bed trying to fall asleep so I can fly back to London and all I can think about is Elizabeth Fucking Giovanni.

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Word Count - 935


Thank you for reading! I know I have been gone a long time I have been dealing with family stuff. I should be able to start updating chapters on a more consistent schedule.

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Thank you have a good night/day!

~ Author

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