Chapter Three - What the hell?

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!!! Important!!! - This chapter deals with some of Elizabeth's trauma. Like I have said in my authors note this book does contain mature scenes. I apologize in advance if this bugs you. Also anything italics and bold is me talking and anything just italics is a dream or memory. I will try for the chapters to put a reminder at the top if the have trauma or spicy scenes but I might forget sometimes. Just warning you all.

~~ Three Hours After Chapter One ~~

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~~ Three Hours After Chapter One ~~

Italy. My family is in Italy. I have a family.

Even as I am packing my suitcase in my old foster home I still keep pinching myself trying to wake up from this dream. I called Barbra a few hours ago and explained my situation. She was happy for me and told me she understands and if I ever come back to Boston to stop and say hi. "Elizabeth, it's Hannah. Are you ready to go to the airport?"

"Yeah, I will be outside in a minute." As I close my suitcase and grab my backpack to head out to the car. As I walk out I look back at the floor by my dresser. Deciding that I rather be same than sorry I quickly opened up my suitcase and put the flash drive that was under the floor board in my suitcase. Then head out to the car. As Hannah is driving me to the airport I start to wonder. Who is my family? Do I have siblings? I know both my parents are still alive because Hannah told me, what are they like? I wonder if one of them like to play the piano or read? I have always wondered where I got all of my hobbies from.

As we pull up to the airport I notice that something is wrong. "Hey Hannah, I think you miss the turn."

"Oh no sweetie we are going to the private entrance."

"Oh okay." Private entrance? As we drive up I look out the window and see a huge private plane. "Hannah this belongs to my family?"

"Yes. Your father told us that this is the families personal plane. Once you land there will be a car waiting for you with your brother Angelo and he will bring you to your new home."

"Alright." So I have a brother. I wonder what he is like. I start to get out of the car as one of the employees grabs my bags and brings them onto the plane. "Okay sweetie, this is where I leave you good luck."

"Thank you Hannah." I start to walk up into the plane and it is gorgeous. A flight attendant comes up and tells me there is a bedroom in the back for when I want to fall asleep as this will be an over night trip. She lets me know that there is a button on the seat I can press if she is needed and walks away. As I take in my surroundings the pilot announces over the intercom that we are going to be going up in the air soon I buckle up and stair out the window and take my last look at the city of Boston.

Since we are now up in the air I take off my seatbelt and head to the back room. I notice my suitcase and backpack there and start to get ready to sleep.

As I get into the bed and start to fall asleep and slip into darkness.

Drip. Drip. Drip.

I messed up. I said no. You are not supposed to say no to them. I just wanted one day of no death. One day of no violence for my twelfth birthday. So I said no.

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