Chapter Twenty One - Inspiration

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~~ Elizabeth is age twelve ~~

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~~ Elizabeth is age twelve ~~

Anthony, Liam, I has been on twenty two missions this month. We have become sirs favorite team, the three amigos. However today we have training with all of the other kids in the program. 

I do not train with them as much because I am normally on missions and honestly some of them iritate me. There is a group of boys who act like this is the best thing that has happened to them. Seriously and I thought I was crazy. 

I mean those are the kids that are teenagers and they were pick up from the lower ends of the underworld mainly fighting in underground fights and drug running. However now that they are apart of something bigger then suddenly think they are ontop of the world. This group of kids are older then me, ages 14-17. However, none of them are better than me, none of them have been here as long as me. I was the longest, I am the first. 

Sir started this program because of me. I was his inspiration as he called it. I honeslty do not remeber life before the program, this is all I know. I do not know how to be normal, I do not know love outside my two best friends. 

As Anthony, Liam, and I head down to the training room and I start to stut off. It is best if you do not feel when you train or go on missions. Well... really it is  best if you do not feel at all. 

As I walk into the room I notice that everyone is starting to make a circle.

Great. It's fight day.

When it is fight day there is always some of the kids that get two comfortable with where they are and lose. Some of them will even die, but it is just another day.

No emotion, do not care, only think violence.

"Okay..lets get started!" Sir's voice boomed. "I will draw a random number and we will start."

Please do not be me or my friends. If our number gets drawn it will be the worst day. 

How this works is he starts with a number and that person will pick the number they would like to go against. Whoever is the winner will go again. 

It's like the award for winning is more pain. 

The only person to ever go first and last the whole time is well... me.

"076. You are up." 

I realese my breath. Thank god. Most of the kids know to not call on the three amigos. They know the will lose and these fights are all about winning. The more you win the better you life is here. 

Atleast that is what people think. I never lose and I can not imagine my life any worse. 

Maybe it is because I am his favorite. 

I start to daydream as I wait for everyone else to go before my name gets called by one of the winners. What would my life be like if he never got me? Who were my parents? Do they miss me? 

When I get lost in my thoughts it is hard not to think about the what ifs. Sometimes I wish that he never got me. I never new and will never know my parents. I am pretty sure that Sir killed them.

However sometimes I will create senerios in my head. With some I am with them and with some I am not. 

I do hope that he did not kill them. Even though I know I should not have that hope. 

I just wish sometimes that they are happy. Even if they miss me I hope that I would be presumed dead so they could move on. I hope the have other children and a full life. I hope they are healthy and happy. Any siblings I might have I hope they never know any pain that I have had in my life. 

"I choose 001"

Here we go.

Here we go

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Word Count ~ 705

Hope you enjoyed a little more of a backstory about Elizabeth. 

New chapter will be out within three days. 

~~ Author 

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