Chapter Twenty - Six Months.

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~ A Few Months Later ~

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~ A Few Months Later ~

"Happy Birthday to you!!!"

"Blow out the Candles Elizabeth and Enzo. Make a wish."

As my twin and I blow out the candles on our cake for our eighteenth birthday. These past few months have been amazing.

However with these candles being blown out I know it is only a matter of time before the day I become a wife.

Over the past few months I have been busy with my family, school and graduating, also on top of it all continuing the investigation on who put a hit on my family. It has been challenging keeping this from them. However once I find out who has done this I will be retiring from Death for good.

My mother comes up to us and squeezes us both so tightly that I swear I will stop breathing."Oh my babies are all grown up"

My brother whines like the weirdo he is. "Mom! I'm a man now."

Jesus. "Yeah twin you are as much of a man as I am the Queen of England."

My mother looks at us with a glare that can only be described as one that could send the most ruthless men cowering. "Stop you two, this is your day! Come let us open some presents."


After hours of presents and laughter it is finally the night time. Once I walk into my bedroom I grab my computer and get to work. I have been able to put protection on this so my family does not know what I am up to. I go to my files that have everything that I have put together. After finding out that someone has anonymously put up a hit on my family I have gathered intel since. The only one I can think of that would do this is Sir. However that would be impossible considering I watched him die.

So now I am trying to compile a list of people who were connected to him and believed in his cause.

Doing this has definitely brought back unwanted memories. Most of them come in my dreams, however I have worked so hard the past few years to get rid of Sir and everything that came with him.

I was his first tool of destruction that he used. I was an example to others good or bad and that came with a lot. This man was the cruelest person alive and I was his favorite.

After researching I find out where his old second is located and realize that he is back in America. I will need to figure out a way to get to him and see if there is any connection.

 I will need to figure out a way to get to him and see if there is any connection

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Word Count ~ 449

A short chapter to get back into this! Sorry I have been absent for so long. I was dealing with family stuff then college and this became lower on the list of priorities! However I am not doing any summer classes this year so I will have more free time and I miss writing. So be prepared to see a lot more of me. 

I am working on the next chapter now and will have it out anytime in the next three days! I am hoping for sooner than later in those three day!

It is good to be back! Also in the next few chapters there will be some timeline bumps to get the story moving! 

Feel free to ask questions in the comments!

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