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Third Person
"Hyunnie, you're squeezing too hard!" Jeongin yelped as he struggled to loosen up the pair of arms around him.

The two were snuggling, Hyunjin spooning Jeongin. Hyunjin is quite affectionate when it comes to cuddles. He tries to get as close as he can to Jeongin, even if it means suffocating him.

"Can't help it. It's cold, and your warmth is helping so much!" Hyunjin replies.

Hyunjin pulls Jeongin closer to him to earn more of his heat. He buries his face in his neck, smiling at how perfect Jeongin is. The perfect size for cuddles, the perfect softness, and the perfect squish.

"You smell good," Hyunjin randomly points out as he inhales more of the younger's scent.

"W-what?!" Jeongin immediately turns red and tries to kick Hyunjin away.

Hyunjin whines and continues to squeeze tighter.

"Noooo! Don't leave me; I'm sorry," Hyunjin pouts.

"Fine, but only because you're warm too," Jeongin sighs.

Hyunjin quickly stops pouting and gives tiny pecks all over Jeongin's neck. Jeongin giggles at the ticklish feeling and lets him do his thing.

Although Hyunjin enjoys this position, he misses seeing his baby's face. He wants to see his dimples form every time he smiles.

"Can you look at me?" Hyunjin asks.


"I miss you."

"I'm right here, though!"

"Yeah, but I wanna see you!"

Hyunjin whines even more and starts tugging on Jeongin's sweater. Jeongin playfully rolls his eyes and turns around to face Hyunjin. Hyunjin immediately lights up and squeezes him tighter than ever.

"H-Hyunnie, can't br-breathe!" Jeongin squeaks.

"Hehe, sorry. I got a little too excited," Hyunjin giggles.

Hyunjin's grip loosens as he stares at Jeongin, admiring every aspect of him. Jeongin is ethereal, the way his innocent eyes make it looks like the stars aren't shining. The way his silky hair plops up and down from any subtle movements. His lips are so addicting; He could kiss them all day if Jeongin let him. Jeongin believes what Hyunjin says is utter nonsense. It's upsetting to see Jeongin so insecure about himself when all Hyunjin sees is perfection. He wishes Jeongin could see what he sees.

(Yes, I basically copied Bruno Mars.)

"Hyunnie, stop staring. It's embarrassing me," Jeongin shyly mutters.

"Can't stop," Hyunjun chuckles. "You're beautiful."

Jeongin's eyes are wide open at the sudden response. His cheeks immediately start heating up. He looks away and covers his face. He can't help but smile. He enjoys Hyunjin's praises but doesn't like how they make him so shy. Hyunjin thinks of how cute the younger's reaction was and pats his head.

"Aw, don't cover up that smile. I want to see it!" Hyunjin teases and tickles him.

"N-no! Stop!" Jeongin tries to fight back but quickly gives in, knowing he won't win.

As Jeongin uncovers his face, Hyunjin stops tickling him and swiftly hugs Jeongin. He can't let his baby be cold!

"I still don't know why you keep complimenting me. I'm not pretty," Jeongin mutters.

Hyunjin is hurt. He doesn't like it whenever Jeongin says these types of things. He wishes he loves himself the way Hyunjin loves him. He holds his hand and looks straight at him.

"My love, don't say such negative things about yourself. You're the exact definition of perfect. I want you to love yourself and be happy with who you are," Hyunjin moves his face closer to Jeongin, caressing his cheek. "So beautiful..."

Both of them are two tomatoes staring deep into each other's souls. They're so close that they can feel the other's breath. Hyunjin leans in and gives a peck.

"Hmph, want a longer kiss," Jeongin whines.

Hyunjin smiles and nods. He leans in and presses his lips against Jeongin's. It was like their lips were made for each other. Both were in sync, everything around them was warm. Hyunjin pulls away and leaves a little peck.

"I love you," Hyunjin says.

"I love you more," Jeongin teases.

"No, you don't! I do!"

"No me!"

"I- Fine."

"YAY!" Jeongin shouts as he wraps his arms around Hyunjin again and presses their cheeks together.

Hyunjin chuckles at the cute reaction.

Anything to make him happy.


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⏰ Last updated: Jan 02, 2023 ⏰

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