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      In London a large mansion is filled with noises...

      In London a large mansion is filled with noises

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JB mansion in London ...

    In the living all were sitting....

       Vidya eyes had tears... Where others trying to console her.... Arjun is in rage... Equally Manon is in rage against him both had a heated argument

Arjun : dad this is unfair.... How can u do this... The next CEO of JB groups... Isn't a joking thing ... Everyone who are here knows how qualified he is ... Then y this ...

Manon : Arjun ur my first son but I made u as COO u have never asked me y r8 becoz u believe me and now what I have done is r8... And am the chairman of JB groups i think so no questions asked no answers given ... Did you got it

Arjun : but thi...

Karthik : Anna pls stop this... If the person for whom ur talking is came to know that ur arguing against his statement... He will not bare it .. he will kill us ... So leave this .... And he can manage whatever in this world ... Becoz he is born to rule the world ... And dad ok we are not asking about anything but atleast let mom talk to him....

Vidhya : sundar... Now only he finsihed is studies and u r doing this

Manon : believe me vidya ma pls

Arjun : Karthik am leaving to my pent house are u coming with me or ur going to stay here

Shakthi : anna stop this nonsense... No one is supposed to go anywhere... It's an order that's it .. just go and carry on with ur works ... Everything will be alright

    Arjun and Karthik left to there office . Vidya gone inside her room

Shakthi : dad cool ... They will be alright.     U know r8... He is the prince he is the apple of eye for eveyone here that's y ..... But dad pls make it soon even I don't like this but i believe my dad

Manon : Shakthi my princess .. u guys are not understanding me... But my chmp my prince understood me... That's y he simply accepted .... He knows y I said this.... And he will never get anger on me for this .... For u all he is prince but for me he is my king .... So don't worry

    Shakthi smiled and kissed his father forehead and left to her work ...

Manon MV : this is much needed for u my boy come soon to me waiting to see u thangam

    Here in Chennai,. 

      Morning in dining room , a conversation is heating up

      Morning in dining room , a conversation is heating up

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