Chapter 12

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(Long chapter today and also TW on the whole chapter. Lot of blood and criminal activity)

I looked in the mirror. I suddenly hear the door open. I though it was Matt since I gave him a key the other day.

"Matt? Your early as hell."

I listen to the footsteps and realize it's not Matt. It's not any of the triplets.

I grab my phone and start calling 911.

"There's someone in my house. I don't know who it is but it's definitely not my boyfriend or his brothers."

I hear doors being opened and them slammed shut.


It was a deep stern voice. How did he know my name. I grab the pocket knife out of my dress drawer. Tears start to fall from my eyes. I realize that I'm about to die.

Suddenly the door opens. A man stood before me. He was at least 6'3.

"About time. Hiding from me I see?"

"L-leave me alone."

He reached down to grab me in a way that he was trying to choke me.


It was at that moment I realized I was a criminal. I had stabbed a man with the knife in my hand. I screamed on the top of my lungs hoping the triplets would hear. I was shaking in fear. I knew the police were coming since I had called them, but was I gonna go to jail too?
"No, Nick we're not doing that for a video."

All three of the triplets heard the scream.

"Did you guys hear that?"

"I think it was Shelby."

Matt quickly run out the door and over to my house.

"Shelby! Shelby! Are you okay!?"


Matt quickly unlocks the front door with the key I had given him.

"Shelby? Where are you!?"

I sat there with blood on my hands when Matt walked in.

"Oh my god. Shelby is he dead?"

Suddenly Chris and Nick ran in after.

"Oh my fucking god."

"He broke in and was calling for me. He tried to grab me so I stabbed him with my pocket knife.."

I had completely lost it and started to ball my eyes out. Matt held onto me and just stared at the dead body on my bedroom floor.

Chris bends down and takes off the guy's mask.

"Do you know him?"

My heart dropped and suddenly felt lightheaded. It was my father. My abusive father.

"Matt I'm gonna pass out."


"That's my father. I just murdered my father."

The three of them and just looked at each other.

"Am I gonna go to jail?"

"No. It was self defense. He was trying to grab you."

I didn't let go of Matt. I was shaken up and felt like I was gonna pass out any second. The cops had shown up.

"Hello? Is anyone here?"

"We're in here." Nick said lightly still staring at the body in disbelief.

"Oh my-" the cop said lightly.

I Officially Hate You | Chris SturnioloWhere stories live. Discover now