Sappy Love songs~

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The next few weeks went by as if nothing had happened though Velvet was plotting with Valentino.

The two were going to play matchmaker, or rather matchmakers with those two as wingmen, there was never a boring day.

Velvet per usual snapped a few photos with each of you (against your will might I add).
While Velvet privately texted Valentino, the two sat on opposing ends of the U-shaped sectional couch while you and Vox sat beside each other on your phones.

Texting with Velvet and Valentino

Should we make
stupid jokes
about Y/n and Vox being
In a relationship?

I don't give a shit,
as long as Vox gets all pissy
I'm fine

Man, we should do this
More often, were great matchmakers


"You two really should just date." Velvet commented "Huh?" You looked up from your phone at Velvet "Are they not already?" Valentino said, "what the fuck are you two bullshitting about now?" You asked.

"Fuckin' simps," Valentino remarked. "Fuck off." Vox glared. "I should be recording this." Velvet said, "Record this and I'll end your fucking afterlife." Vox threatened.

Meanwhile, you weren't paying attention anymore only to start fuckin' cackling at a dead-ass meme.

"What the fuck?" Valentino looked at you confused.

"I haven't slept in 2 days, anything is hilarious." You wheezed out. Velvet quickly sent Valentino a text, "co'mon we're going on a road trip"

"it's 12:30 in the morning?" Vox said, "You heard me, get your sit together and get your girlfriend." Valentino said "get your girlfriend" Vox mocked annoyed "Which one?" Valentino asked with a laugh

"Fuckin' asshole." You said in-between laughs. Then you just stopped laughing and stood up "Kay, let's go," You said. You paused and checked the temperature, it was nearly snowing outside. Yeah. I'll be right back."

10 minutes later you walked back to the group, Velvet was wearing a bright pink coat that somewhat resembled Valentino's just way less fluffy and it only went to about the length of her dress.

However, both Vox and Valentino decided agents wear any kind of coat or jacket because it would 'Throw off their whole look'

And Valentino already had a fluffy enough jacket.

When the four of you got into the limo you were already dozing off, listening in and out of the conversations that Vox, Velvet, and Valentino held.

The fact you had drank almost 15 minutes before getting In the limo left you somewhat drunk and half asleep.

You exhaustedly rested your head on Vox's shoulder "What are you–"

"Shhh" you hushed him sedately, feeling warmth creep up onto your face. Everyone was silent apart from the car radio that played love songs, it was one of those few peaceful nights in Hell.

The only light in the car was those of headlights from other cars and Velvet's phone screen and Vox's well... face.

You felt Vox slowly move his arm a bit and hold your hand, a pink blush appeared on his screen as you closed your eyes.

When you fell asleep Velvet almost died, she was so excited and she didn't want to wake you, that she shoved her face into the back of the seat and squealed, Vox hushed her and she decided, while both you and Vox couldn't kill her, to take pictures of the two of you.

However, Valentino was doing the same. Just a few moments later they posted it online.

Per usual, it sedately gained interest. One comment that appeared most popular was;  @angie_fluffy_bootz: He Grew some balls👏, congrats @Big_Bro_is_Luci @Voxtagram_8k

You stirred and opened your eyes about 30 minutes later. "Where are we going?" You asked, "Were not." Velvet said, "What do you mean 'were not'?" You said "See, this was the whole plan," Velvet said.

"I didn't say we should go somewhere, I said 'road trip'." Valentino said, "You fucking– I hate you two." You said, "it worked didn't it?" Velvet said "No" you and Vox replied in unison.

"I give up." Velvet pushed open the limo door and stepped out "How the hell did It take so long to get back to the same place we were?" You asked, "Because we never left." Valentino got out of the limo, then you, followed by Vox.

"Yeah, I'm going to bed" You walked inside the penthouse building and towards the elevator. Clicking the button, it dinged and opened, You, Velvet, Vox, and Valentino stepped in, and Velvet pressed the button.

A few minutes of elevator music later you trudged towards your room, tossed your shoes on the floor alongside your coat, and face-planted in bed.

"Death just take me now." You mumbled into your pillow.

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