Brunch Plans

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The following day you woke with horrible neck pain from well, sleeping on your face.
Of course, as usual, You and Valentino were the first awake and for once it was a peaceful morning.

You and Valentino sat on the couch watching a movie out of pure boredom. "Heyyyyy, Valllll?" You dragged out your words

"No." He replied not even considering what you had to say "But–"
"No, I will not make you waffles, it is the 3rd time this morning you've asked." He said.

You huffed "What if I say the 'P' word," You said unhappily.

"Then, and only then, will I make you waffles," Valentino replied

"but you'd never  say please, especially to me." He shrugged.

You had to suck up your ego for this one if you wanted waffles.

"Please, will you make me the delicacy that is my gorgeous waffles?" You said "hmmmmmm—"

"NO, you do not get a choice, you're making me food, you said you would." You glared "Fine." He got up and left "Don't spit on them either." You said.

He groaned in annoyance "What's happening now?" Vox yawned "I made Val get me waffles. We will never speak of how I did so." Your tone darkened slightly in the last sentence. "Okay, not strange at all." Vox said "Morning!" Velvet smiled.

A few minutes later Valentino came back and dropped a plate of waffles in your lap, after cramming waffles down your throat you and Velvet talked about random things that came to mind.


You got a call from none other than Lilith.

"Oh shit, either Luci's phone died or shit is going down." You got off the couch and answered the phone.

"Hello, Y/n," Lilith said calmly. "Hey? Any reason for this call?" You asked "Actually yes, See with your friend's latest Voxtagram posts it seems—"

"Wait, let me guess, Lucifor is pouty I 'didn't tell him first' and now you're calling me because of it?" You asked "Exactly." Lilith said

"Well, if you'd like to tell him, nothing is going on and baby sis is fine," you laughed "Of course, thank you for that Y/n." Lilith said, "Of course, you're my sister." You said "Hm, well it was nice speaking with you. She said, "The feeling is mutual." You hung up.

"I swear my brother." You flopped into the couch. "Oh Y/n, how's your head?" Velvet asked "Fine, it wasn't that bad, there was just a lot of blood." You said.


You got a text from Luci. Velvet nodded, saying she agreed,

"So uh, what happens to be on the agenda today my flamboyant friend?" You asked

"I dunno, Val?" Velvet asked, "Why do I always have to fuckin'– Vox, what are we doing today." Valentino said

"Well, You have to talk with your strippers today, Velvet has plans with some other overlords... and that's about it, Vox said.

"Yeah no, scrap that, apparently we're all going to my brother's tea party thing." You announced, reading off your phone.

"Good, I didn't want to go to Rosie's mani-pedi party." Velvet said, "What time are we leaving?" Velvet said.

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