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A small hiss escaped from between her lips. The blood, the pain, the exhilaration that came with cutting was what she craved right now. It was what kept her going.
One cut for her fake friends.
Two for her fake grades.
Three for her fake smile.
Four for her fake life.
Five for what she could've been.
Six for what she could've had.
Seven for what she should have done.
Eight because one day she'll be dead.
Nine for all of her fans who deserve someone better than her.
Ten for the fact that life isn't worth living when your entire world is a figment of your imagination and will crumble when your defenses crack.
Eleven for the sake of her sanity.
Twelve for the loss of her conscience.
Thirteen for her sick, twisted mind.
Fourteen for her.
Fifteen for him.
Sixteen for what wan never exist between them.
Seventeen for her few true friends.
Eighteen because she doesn't know what to do.
Nineteen for the bright red blood.
Twenty because she can't stop.
She sets the ornate blade now stained in blood, on the sink and sighs. Her mind, now at rest, begins to make the shift from her true self, the viper, to Reyna, her shell, her wall, her protection from the outside. Her blood is spattered in the floor, crimson dots covering the room like a Jackson Pollock painting. She reaches for her blade, sitting on the sink, and twirls it in her fingers. She's an artist, her pictures drawn on her skin. She's an artist, paintings monochromatic yet beautiful. She's an artist, and she takes pride in her work. She's an artist, and she will never be sorry.

I'm Not Sorry (A Carter Reynolds Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now