Almost Caught

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Rachel's P.O.V~

Last night wasn't any different than any other. Same thing over and over again. Except today my make up job must not have been very good because...

No one's P.O.V~

Finn~ "Hey Rach."

Rachel~ "Oh hey Finn. How are you?"

Finn~ "Good-- wait what happend to your face?"

Rachel~ "What are you talking about?"

Finn~ "Rachel it looks like someone punched you in the face."

Rachel~ "Oh that? I just ran into a door..."

Finn~ "Rach?" Finn said not really buying her story.

Rachel~ "I'm fine Finn, really. But I gotta go."

Finn~ "Um okay. Will I see you tonight at Puckermans party?"

Rachel~ "Uh yeah, bye Finn."

Finn~ "Bye Rach."

Finn's P.O.V~

I knew Rachel was lying, no way a door could have done that to her face. I plan on getting to the bottom of this though. No one messes with MY Rachel and gets away with it!

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