First Day

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Rachel's P.O.V~

Hiram~ "Rachel, hunny wake up you're gonna be late for your first day at McKinley!"

I awake to my dads yelling at me. Oh by the way I am Rachel Berry. I got dragged all the way from amazing New York to lame town Lima Ohio. Like really dads out of all the places your job could have relocated you to it had to be this cow town?
Today is kinda the day I have been dreading. The first day of school. I hated school in New York. Everyone didn't like me, they said I was an annoying self obsessed wannabe Broadway star. My dads just tell me they are jealous of my talent. Which I can't blame them. Not to sound stuck up or anything, but I am a great singer.
I finally get up and get dressed and make my way down stairs.

~No one's P.O.V~

Rachel~ "Morning dads."

Hiram~ "Good morning Rachel"

Leroy~ "Morning sweetheart. Ready for your first day?"

Rachel~ "Totally." She said with a hint of sarcasm in her voice.

Leroy~ "Oh you'll do fine. I can drive you this morning but we won't be able to pick you up. We have to work."

Rachel~ "It's fine I can walk."

Dad's~ "Okay."

Leroy~ "Lets go sweetie don't want to be late for your first day now do we?"

Rachel~ "No not at all." She mumbled under her breath.

Hiram~ "What was that?"

Rachel~ "Oh nothing." She said quickly. "Lets just go."

~Rachel's P. O.V~

The car ride was silent. I really didn't want to be the new girl. As we pulled up to the front of the school I gave my dad a kiss on the cheek and walked to the office to get my schedule.
Once I got my schedule I went to find my locker. As I am rushing to find my class, clumsy old me bumps into someone full on.

~No one's P. O.V~

Rachel~ "Oh my gosh I'm so sorry!"

???~ "Oh don't worry about it! It was totally my fault I wasn't looking where I was going...

He trailed off as he looks up into those beautiful chocolate brown eyes. And for a second felt like the world stopped.

???~ "I'm Finn by the way. Finn Hudson. "

Rachel~ "Rachel Berry."

Finn~ "Rachel huh? I like that name.."

Long awkward pause..

Finn~ "Um you must be new here?"

Rachel~ "Yeah I just moved here from New York."

Finn~ "New York?! I love New York.. Well at least there football team."

Rachel~ "Haha yeah."

Bell goes off.

Rachel~ "Crap!"

Finn~ "What's wrong?"

Rachel~ "I don't know where my class is.."

Finn~ "What class?"

Rachel looks at her schedule.

Rachel~ "Uh history with Mr. Shuester."

Finn~ "Cool me too. I'll show you where it is."

Rachel~ "Okay." Smiles.

Finn~ "No problem." Smirks.

~Rachel's P. O.V~

Maybe this year won't be so bad after all.

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