I'm Sorry

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No one's P.O.V~

Rachel was at her locker when Brody came up to her.

Brody~ "Hey..."

Rachel~ "Hi." She says flat as she turns toward him. Revealing her bruised cheek.

Brody~ "Shit Rachel! I'm so sorry I did this to you! I'll never do it again, I swear!"

Rachel~ "It's okay."

Brody~ "Okay. So are we going to Pucks party tonight?"

Rachel~ "Yeah, pick me up at eight."

And with that she turned around and walked away.

Rachel's P.O.V~

"I'll never do it again."

I'd heard that about a thousand times. I wanted to leave him so badly but I just couldn't. I thought for sure I was caught by Finn. I think he knows something is up, but he didn't say anything. Hopefully tonight goes well.

Finn's P.O.V~

Tonight is Puck's party and I am helping him set up for it. I over heard Rachel and Brody talking earlier. Something about him being really sorry and never doing it again. I wonder what he did.

I also heard them talking about the party. When they were talking Rachel didn't look to happy about it. She doesn't seem like she wants to be in the relationship anymore. For like the past month Rachel hasn't been herself. I'm gonna try to talk to her tonight and figure out what's wrong.

Ding dong!

Well let the party begin!

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