New year's eve

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Cold night of the new year's eve, there's only an hour left before Miko and Ei will go into the new year together. They're celebrating this special day in their cozy apartment where they spent a lovely evening together and now that it's getting closer to midnight they sat together cuddling on the pink sofa in their living room. Miko put her head on ei's chest and while caressing hers wife thigh said:

"Darling this year had its ups and downs but in the end I'm really happy it happened because of you. I was so happy we moved in together at beginning of the year. Despite us having hard time, disagreeing sometimes and getting separated due to our work we still made it through. I really couldn't be happier right now, spending new year's eve and going into a new year with you.. It sounds like a dream of mine came true.". Ei was looking at her beloved while she was giving her speech and felt so warm inside. She was overjoyed that despite difficulties that life brought upon them they were able to get through all of this together just like her beloved kitsune said. She focused her gaze on mesmerizing movements of Miko's hands on her tight. Once her wife said everything she took her hand, gave it a kiss and said:

"This year taught us a lot honey. Our love is eternal and our bond unbreakable. We will learn on our mistakes and do not repeat them in the future. I love you Miko, despite our misunderstandings, disagreements at a times you're still the one I want to spend an eternity with. I'm more than certain that in the upcoming year there will be less of it to the point our relationship will be as flawless as our true love is.". Miko after hearing all of this got up from Ei's chest, got closer to her wife's face, smiled teasingly and gave her a long kiss on her lips. She giggled a little seeing how her goddess got flustered after such an "innocent" play from her. "Well said Ei. You're really everything I've ever wanted love.". Ei was so flustered she couldn't say a word after this so she hugged her kitsune instead with an innocent smile of happiness on her face. Two of them stayed this way in silent, embracing each other for a while. Pure embrace, both hearts were racing and emitted warmth which both of them could feel. They wished this moment would last forever.

"Ei i got to know you so much better this year and it makes me overjoyed, this entire year made me realize how perfect you are, no one could ever replace you in my life and for eternity I want to be only with you. I love you so much my goddess and thank you for making this year the best it could ever be." said Miko while tightening her embrace.

"Miko you have nothing to thank me for, you're such a blessing in my life and you brightened it up the moment you appeared in it. This year was particularly amazing as we finally were able to get much closer together and live daily life together, which made me realize how I could never live without you. You're a vital part of my existence and I want to be with you forever. I love you so much my precious pink kitsune." Ei answered while being in an embrace and caressing back of the head of her precious wife.

Pink purple couple stayed this way for a bit longer until they realized it's only a few minutes until the midnight and they need to get ready. Both of them dressed warmly and got outside in order to enjoy the firework show that was about to begin. They went on a nearby hill to have the best view at the stary sky that would soon light up due to many beautiful fireworks. Ei looked at her beloved, captivated by her otherworldly beauty couldn't take her eyes from her. Miko noticed it shortly after, turned and stared into hers wife eyes, both were charmed by each other's presence. Kitsune smiled softly and kissed her beloved on her lips, she said "Darling the show is about to begin you'd not want to miss it, you can look at me after everything is done as much as you want" and giggled a little. Ei got flustered once again, she could never resist the charming words of her beloved.

Fireworks fired and sky lighted up in many colors. Ei got behind Miko, hugged her and said "Happy new year honey. I'm sure the next year will be even better for us and every next one. I love you.", afterwards kissed Miko's neck teasingly. Miko was the one flustered this time, Ei was the only one that was ever able to make her speechless. After initial shock she replied "Happy new year as well darling. I'm looking forward to spend my entire life by your side my goddess. I love you." blushing with genuie smile as she was enjoying the moment with the most important person in her life. They stayed this way, Ei hugging Miko from behind and chatted about their plans for the upcoming year. Looking at the sky knowing that from now on they'll see it together every year, they'll spend every day together for eternity because that's how strong their love is.

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