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"A couple of days  after you gained that ability, Shinichiro died", Mikey continues as Takemichi, along with the others who were listening look shock.

"The curse Shinichiro created by killing the time leaper... That is what my Dark Impulses are", Mikey added as Takemichi look at him as he listens.

"It affected everyone around him. The same was probably true for Kazutora back then. The Karma that I've carried", Manjiro raises his hand and place it in where his heart supposed to be.

"This Dark Impulse... It's eating away at me", Manjiro clutches his shirt like there's a pain in his heart.

"Thump, thump, thump. Stronger and stronger. I can't seem to control it anymore", Manjiro said as he starts gritting his teeth in frustration.

"That's why I pushed my friends away", Mitsuya and Pah-chin look at him along with everyone.

"I had no choice but to leave", Manjiro said as Chifuyu mumbled his name in worry.

"I feel like...", Manjiro starts to bends his knee in pain and frustration as he tried to conceal something from deep within.

"...I'm about to go berserk", Everyone is in silence until Takemichi spoke with unending determination of his and care from him.

"You don't have to hold back anymore", Takemichi said as Manjiro let out his confusion.

"Huh?", Manjiro said as he didn't believe on what he just heard.

"The Second Generation Tokyo Manji Gang... WAS FORMED JUST TO SAVE YOU", Takemichi explains as everyone look at him.

"So please release your dark impulses with all you've got. I can see the future, so I'll be able to do something about it", Manjiro look at him in shock along with Sanzu and Wakasa.

"So!", Takemichi raises his fist with passion burning in his eyes.

"I'm the only one who can crush your dark impulses!", Manjiro look at Takemichi as Sanzu who heard about it starts to cry in undescribable emotions.

"You can let go, Mikey", Takemichi reassures him as Manjiro starts to slowly let the darkness engulfed him.

"I don't care what happens to you", Manjiro said as Takemichi stand tall and the others look at him in worry. Manjiro closes his eyes for a moment and then...

Opens his eyes with killing intent as the only thing he sees are red.

Takemichi look at him while smiling and wipes the blood out of his face.

"Let's finish all of this!", Takemichi said.

'I don't have to worry anymore'

'I'm done.'

'No more.'

'I'm giving in to these dark impulses.'

Manjiro run towards Takemichi while picking up a katana from the ground. When he got nearer, he swings the katana upwards as Takemichi manage to the dodge the dangerous attack from Manjiro but it still leaves a scratch in his face.

Manjiro smiled at him crazily as he happily tried to kill him of.

"My katana!", Sanzu shouted as he look at them in worry.

"TAKEMITCHY", Chifuyu screams as his face is filled with worries.

"If what he said is true... Then what's the point of this fight?", Pah-chin said as Mitsuya look at him.

"Huh?", Mitsuya said curiously but can't hide the fact that he is worried about Takemichi.

"You know... It's a curse, right? How can you beat a curse?", he added as Mitsuya started to get worried more.

Manjiro laughs as Takemichi tried to punch him in the face but instead, manage to leave a huge wound in Takemichi's arm.

"Agh!", Takemichi groaned in pain as the sleeves got destroyed and can clearly see the wound inflicted by the katana.

"HANAGAKI!", Sanzu shouted at the midst of the battle as he tried to stop them.

"I KNOW! YOU CAN'T ERASE THE CURSE!", Takemichi gritted in pain as he didn't leave Manjiro in his sight.

"MIKEY AND HIS DARK IMPULSES ARE INSEPARABLE... THEY ARE ONE AND THE SAME!", Sanzu continues as he look at them in worry.

"I'VE BEEN FOLLOWING MIKEY... AS IF I WERE IN A TRANCE, HOW STUPID!!!", Manjiro strikes again as Takemichi dodges.

"SHINICHIRO DIED BECAUSE OF THE CURSE. AND BAJI. AND EMMA. AND DRAKEN, TOO", Takemichi dodges again as Sanzu shouted at the top of his lungs.


"SHUT UP!!!", Takemichi shouted as Manjiro runs to him as he pierced the katana in him. Everyone stops breathing for a moment as they saw how it happened while Manjiro's still smiling happily.

Suddenly, even getting pierced by a katana. Takemichi hugs Manjiro that makes the katana pierced him more through as Manjiro got shock.

"I won't lose, Manjiro. I'll carry your dark impulses on my back.", Manjiro didn't speak as if his battling something in his own mind. Takemichi's voice starts to get shaky as he slowly get weakens.

"And if you do something stupid, I'll kick you ass. You are my friend for life.", Bloods started to poured down from the stab wound to the pavement.

"Friend?", Manjiro mumbles as he started to see clearly and won from the darkness that controls him. His empty eyes started to filled with colors as his eyes widen in shock.

"Takemitchy...?", He mumbles as Takemichi tried to reach for his hand.

"Give me you hand. Mikey-kun, you're the trigger. That's why...", Takemichi places his other hand in Manjiro's neck as he continues.

"I can do it all over again... Over and over... I'll... I'll save you.", Takemichi's eyes started to lose its color as he starts having a problem to speak.

"Over again?", Manjiro said as he started to sweat in horror in immediately look at Takemichi.

"What are you... What are you talking about?", Manjiro said as Takemichi spoke again.

"Over and over again. I will...", He repeated as Manjiro look at him in guilt and worry.

"Hang in there, Takemichi!", Takemichi starts to lose his balance as he kneels down at floor and Manjiro follows to support him.

"I'll...", Takemichi's voice started to get lower than usual as Manjiro tried to make Takemichi hold on.

"Hey! Takemichi!!", Everyone look at them with shock and sadness as Takemichi gritted his teeth and said in shaky voice.

"Over and over again... Back to the past...", Takemichi said as Manjiro stops him from saying anything anymore.

"ENOUGH TAKEMICHI!", Manjiro stated as he holds his hand.

"You and... Everyone... Will smile............."

"... Takemichi?"








A desperate embrace. And Mikey's heart returns. But the blade is mercilessly drawn. Leaving Takemichi's life in danger.

"*sigh* I think it's time", a girl in white dress stated as she flick her fingers and a light started to blind them.

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