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(I'm sorry for the inaccuracies of the characters now cause I forgot most of it and on how should I make them interact with each other, my apologies 😔🙇🏻‍♀️)


Mitsuya didn't know what he should feel. One moment, he was in the hospital with Smiley while talking about the Tenjiku when suddenly, a light engulfed him whole and send him in a theater.

He noticed that there are other people in the theater with him. Looking at the others, he sighed in relief when all of them are familiar to him. Well except to someone.

He also noticed that they're alive too. He was about to ask them when a crashed can be heard behind him.

"Get your *ss off behind me Ran!!"

"You're so rude to your brother, Rin-chan~"

"Just get off!!"


A call of his name got his attention as he look at Baji who called his name.

"Who beat ya to look like that, huh?", Baji asked while grinning, excited to fight someone who hurt his friend for revenge.

Mitsuya can't answer as he touches his head and closes his eyes.

' Did the injury really did a number on me for me to start to hallucinate?' , Mitsuya thought.

"Are~ Mitsuya-chan~ How's is your injury~?", Ran said teasingly as Mitsuya glared at him.

It is enough for Chifuyu to realized what timeline this new people came from. Based from Mitsuya's injury and Ran's mocking.

"Mitsuya, what happened?", Mikey finally asked as Mitsuya look at his eyes.

He is confused, why does Mikey doesn't look like he is mourning? Why are they still alive? It confused him that it only made him sighed.

"Newcomers, please take your seat. The show is about to start and we don't want to make this any longer", the woman said and that make Mitsuya flinched. He didn't noticed her, but noticing how the others except the Haitani brothers didn't react at the woman, he forced himself to calm down and sat beside Baji.

The Haitani brothers look at each other, seemingly making a silent conversation through their eyes that only they can understand. They also start to make their way to the seats not far away from the other people.

"Great, we shall introduce you the newcomers,", the woman said as the screen lit up and letters starts to show up.

Name: Mitsuya Takashi
Age: 15
Timeline: During the battle of Tenjiku vs. Toman
Occupation: 2nd Division Captain of Tokyo Manji Gang (Toman)
Sibling(s): Mitsuya Luna, Mitsuya Mana

'I knew it', Chifuyu thought to himself as he read what did the screen says.

"Ah...", Hinata gasped silently as he realizes how near in the future Mitsuya was from the timeline she was in.

"Tenjiku was mentioned again, who even are they?", Draken asked and Mitsuya was about to answer when the woman interrupted them.

"Your answers will be shown in the screen, but for now. Please wait until it's time for your answers.", the woman said as Chifuyu sneered at that.

'They're really planned to show partners life and probably others too... I've seen too many mangas that I wouldn't be surprised if they will show my life before meeting him', Chifuyu thought as he leaned backward but winced a little bit. He forgot that he is still bruised from the fight, along with Inui and that barbie doll.

Another set of letters shown, introducing the remaining newcomers.

Name: Haitani Ran
Age: 18
Timeline: During the battle of Tenjiku vs. Toman
Occupation: Tenjiku 4 Heavenly Kings
Sibling(s): Haitani Rindou

Name: Haitani Rindou
Age: 17
Timeline: During the battle of Tenjiku vs. Toman
Occupation: Member of Tenjiku
Sibling(s): Haitani Ran

'So those two are from Tenjiku..', both Draken and Mikey thought as they look at the Haitani brothers who look at them in return with a grin in their faces.

"I assume that when they showed timeline, it means there's a possibility that the others are from different timeline than me?", Mitsuya asked in questions as the woman only nodded.

"Wow, Mitsuya. How did you manage to guess?", Emma asks in wonder as Mitsuya look at her for a moment and smiles like nothing happened.

"It's just a wild guess, Emma-chan", Mitsuya said even though Hinata and the other 6 knows the answer.

Wakasa now wondered who among this people died except Shinichiro. Whoever they are, he need to ready his mind to calm his friend down because most of the people here are important to his friend's brother.

He look at the screen and waited for the woman to continue the show.

"The original host noticed some mistakes and apologizes for the late fix of the situation", the woman said as all of them got confused.

The woman then raised her hand, everyone watched her carefully. It is the first time they saw the woman moved other than moving her mouth to speak. The woman then flick her finger as the sound echoed throughout the theater.

Chifuyu, Inui, Sanzu, and Mitsuya felt they're injuries started to heal. Then they realize what mistake the woman was talking about.

"The original host wanted to apologize for the lateness of this. They wanted to make you guys comfortable but fail to notice immediately the situation beforehand", the woman said as Mitsuya waves his hand.

"It's okay, please tell the host that thank you for healing our injuries", Mitsuya said as the woman's eyes turned white for a moment.

"The message has been sent. For now, shall we continue the show?"

Apologies, this was about to be a reaction chapter but noticed that the chapter would be too long if it was so I decided that it will gonna be just an introduction for the newcomers.

For now, the reaction might be inaccurate now because I forgot most of the information from the Manga.

So... I might not add more characters to react FOR NOW cause I still need to adjust for their personalities.

That's all, I hope you guys still enjoy this book and continue reading it.


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