Chapter Two: Congratulations! 1/2

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A toasting sound could be heard around the room, and everyone's giggles quietened off turning their full attention to Liz and Finnic.

He was staring at her with the most admiration. I knew he loved her just by that look. When they first started going out, I knew that he would never leave her just by the look on his face right now. The hurt of knowing I would probably never have someone look at me like that, look at me with so much love that it spilled over.

"We have some news to share with everyone." Her soft southern voice echoes off the big walls. My interest peaked and I found myself bouncing on the heels of my feet waiting to hear what they were going to say.

"We're getting married."

A smile overtakes my face. I knew it would be long after they moved in together that they would decide to tie the knot. They were perfect for each other, sure they had their arguments, but they never gave up on each other and that's all love needs to prevail.

The previous noise was doubled as people clapped and yelled their excitement. The news wasn't shocking, but it did shock me that I didn't put two and two together. Harley's here, he invited people over for his birthday when normally it's just us and mom.

"He finally did it huh?" I ask no one in particular, but Harley replies.

"He's been talking about it for months, trying to figure out how to do it." He had this grin on his lips that made him seem even more delectable. I shake my head hoping the thoughts fly out with it.

"I'm happy for them," I spoke with a grin of my own.

"Finnic's a good guy, he deserves this. They deserve this." There was nothing but adoration in his eyes, but I could tell there was something in the depths pushed to the far back corner where no one from the outside could see.

He said those statements almost like he didn't deserve something so amazing. Which was none sense, Harley was an upstanding guy. He has stuck up for me a bunch growing up.

"We have already picked out bride's maids and groom's men that's why you all are here." More yells and cheers. The crowd was seemingly excited by the aspect of being at their wedding.

"For my maid of honor, I have decided on one of the best friends I have ever had the pleasure of making. She's kind and sweet and there is no doubt in my mind that she will be there for me through the cries and jitters. Madeline Hansel." I send a small wave her way and look around wearily.

Everyone was staring at me, and I felt my heart rate speed. This was going to be interesting, there was no way I would turn the offer down but the thought of all those eyes on me as I walk down the idle made me want to hurl.



"For my best man, I have picked a man that is dependable and hard-working. He will be there through all of it just like he was there for me growing up. Harley Walker."

Harley held up his hand in acknowledgment.

"You know it."

As soon as they had named off all their roles everyone rushed in to give the couple hugs and I stood back. Not wanting to be that close to all those people. "It looks like I'm going to be seeing you in a dress a lot more." I look back at him slightly confused by the change in conversation.

"Maybe next time just don't wear any underwear at all." I don't think I knew exactly what blushing was until this moment, I doubt you can even see my freckles. Where did that come from? He was not helping these newfound weird feelings being close to him had ignited.

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