Chapter Twenty-Three: Kill, Kill, Kill 1/2

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We pull into the parking lot to the fair and I look around at all the rides excitement growing but my nerves not wanting to let go, because there is a bunch of people here. One of them being Finnic, and I don't think I can take another argument from the two bulls without having yet gain another panic attack.

Dixon and Gale sit in the back, both of them looking out the windows. We were meeting her friend here and from what I've gathered his name is Andy and he is in fact just a friend and nothing more. He is gay and proud about it, Dixons words not mine. She told me not to tell Harley because she wanted to mess with him for a little longer. She said it was harmless, but I thought it was causing him unnecessary stress, because his jaw keeps tightening every time Andy is mentioned.

If he didn't figure it out on his own soon, I was going to tell him myself. We already had enough going on right now, for him to be stressed out of a simple thing like this, even if the boy was straight.

Gale was going to stick around the two of them, per Harleys orders. I don't know if it was because he was worried about The Forefathers or if it was because he was worried about Andy. Maybe it was both. It wouldn't hurt for him to stay close to them just in case. I hope they wouldn't be brave enough to try something in this crowded of an area, many of The Voiceless had brought their woman on dates tonight. They would be about stupid as a sack of rocks to try something tonight.

Harley warned me that some of them might be here since the majority of the town came and I insured him that I was okay as long as he was with me, because him and Dixon needed this time out ad enjoying each other's presence in somewhere other than the house.

It had only been a few days, but I could tell Dixon was growing bored waiting on being put back into school starting Monday. I forget how bored kids get even though I was just one myself two years ago.

Other than her increasing boredom Dixon has been faring pretty well. Harley told me she had a therapist appointment Monday afternoon after school and had asked if I could take her because he would be working. I stuck her file in the top part of my closet under a blanket I never use. The only way anyone would find it is if they were really snooping around.

Harley doesn't snoop, I noticed he likes giving me my own space. It wasn't just Harley I was hiding it from though, it was everyone. that stuff was personal to her, and her secrets should stay her secrets until she is ready to stare it with her brother or anyone else.

Dixon also said she wanted to see her mother and Harley said it was a bad idea and that it would just cause her more problems but Dixon says she just wants to see her so she can let her go. that she can finally move on from all of the nights up waiting on a call that never came of an empty room for visits when she didn't show up.

I don't blame her for wanting to give her past one final goodbye, but I don't know their mother like Harley does and if he thinks it's a bad idea, I will trust his judgement and until she can convince him otherwise, I won't make the efforts to get her a visit in.

We park the car, and everyone gets out. Gale taking a stance by Dixon, ready to follow her every move. Dixon doesn't seem to mind Gale, she just goes about her business pretending he's not there, she hasn't even given Harley a tough time about. He explained to her that it was important, and she let it go. Deciding that she didn't need to know all of the details.

As soon as her feet hit the ground, she takes off towards a tall lanky boy wearing a red hoody with a goofy smile of his face as he opens up his arms for her. She waves at her brother and me before the three of them go off to have fun.

Well for two of them to have fun and the other to stay vigilant. "Hey." Liz's voice comes from behind us and me and Harley turn around to look at the couple and I'm mesmerized by her belly. The past week has added size to it, and I am struck with a need to meet my niece soon.

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