Chapter Twenty-Two: Pathetic 1/2

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Harleys P.O.V

I was stuck in between awe and confusion. Maddie had somehow got Dixon out of foster care.

Dixon was here under my room and I was worried about her, because of The Voiceless's shit going on but I knew that she would be safer here then she would be in any of those homes.

First she declares that she isn't going anywhere and that she is going to make my life worth living and she's been sticking true to her promise.

What she doesn't realize is that over the past couple of months, I have had something to live for, keeping her safe and happy. She under values her place in my life.

Maddie was something special that I had pondered on how to say good bye to since the night I showed The Forefather men my tattoo. A pleasure I wasn't willing to keep around for her own self preservation.

Now that she had chose to stay on her own accord, knowing all of the risk of her actions, I could finally own up to what was going on with me.

I fucking wanted her.

So bad it weighed my bones down when she was near. I wanted to kiss every single inch of her skin until I knew every curve, freckle, valley of her skin. I wanted to run my hands through her hair, run my tongue into that pretty little mouth of hers. Bite her lip that she bites it all the time when she was thinking those dirty thoughts about me.

I couldn't deny it anymore. She was the only woman I have thought about touching sense I laid my eyes on her the night of Finnic and Liz's engagement party.

I've dreamed about her laying under me while I push inside of her too many times to caught. Every position, every situation that we could ever possibly imagine being in. The main thing that drove me crazy was the fact that I knew what she sounded like. I didn't have to imagine what my name would sound like coming out of her mouth as she came, because I've already heard. Making me want, nearly need, to hear it again on a greater scale.

It was selfish, she still had those innocent eyes, even if there was pain and knowing in them, she still clung to her innocence like a cloak, and I was anything but.

I had had my fair share of woman, not to many but I wasn't innocent, not in the slightest but the way she made me feel, was something I had never experienced before. Like I could never get enough of her. I could drink in her appearance and feel every single centimeter of her skin, with my fingers and tongue and would still never be enough.

There is still that part of me in my brain that tried to talk reasoning into me, that she might change her mind and even if she agreed to stay, she didn't agree to be with you in that way, she already said she doesn't think she couldn't be that intimate with a man, hence the reason she was okay with giving up a future husband, future kids.

I respected that, she had already been through enough, but my body wasn't as easily convinced. I had to force myself not to touch her not to feel what she felt like in her most vulnerable spots.

She was driving me absolutely crazy and some how I don't think I'll be sane again until I'm buried to the hilt inside of her.

Just the thought of her whispered moans and words giving me a hard on, one that I just roll my eyes at.

Pathetic, pining after a girl that doesn't even see me in that light. Maybe she did once but it was out of confusion, out of sleep deprivation.

I wanted in more ways than physically though which I couldn't wrap my brain around. I could understand physically and even feeing protective over her. It was in my nature to look after her I've been doing it nearly all of my life, but the need for her to understand me, and me her was over whelming.

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