Chapter Three: Sing For Me 1/2

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When I finally woke up it felt like it was only a couple of minutes, but I knew by the change in color from the window that it had been hours.

I blink the sleep out of my eyes and survey the first time since I got in here. Light grey walls along with white cherry rail give it a modern look. My eyes roam all over the guest room and slowly I realize that someone's been staying in there. A hamper with some dirty clothes was the dead giveaway. Now that I was well rested the smell in the bed wasn't a detergent smell, it was more of a musky manly smell.

The sound of hangers moving around in the closet makes me gasp and pull the covers around me tightly. Who was in here?

I found out soon enough when Harley stepped out of the closet...

Shirtless. A tattoo that I couldn't quite make out sat on his chest. The dark ink contrasted with his tan skin perfectly.

Oh, how good the heavens are.

"Is this your room? Finnic said first door on the left." My voice was scratchy, really scratchy. I bet he barely heard what I said.

I try, like really try to keep my eyes on his face but I fail.

His chest was muscular, like not lift weights muscular but like a farm handler. Just the perfect mixture. His stomach was toned; no well-defined abs just toned muscle. He had tattoos here and there and I wanted to know the meaning behind all of them.

I glance back up at his face, hoping he didn't catch me checking him out. His deep green eyes stare directly into my soul and a hint of mischief laces his lips. "He must have got confused."

Then this man hooks his thumbs in his pants making them tug down just enough to show off his v-line. All while staring me in the eyes daring me to look. I bite my lips begging my restraint to hold out.

"I'm sorry. Where is the other guest room?" I ask looking away from him and towards the door the tension in the air eating me alive.

"You can stay." My breath catches in my throat. My pulse beat hard enough for me to hear it in my eardrums.

"What?" It came out as a squeak.

He chuckles, "I said you can stay."

I narrowed my eyes at him.

"Because I'm headed to work."

It was silly of me to assume he was offering me to stay the night in his bed with him. I don't know why my mind went there.

"This late?" I deferred the situation by continuing to talk like I knew that's what he had meant. Playing dumb I guess because I didn't want to face the embarrassment yet.

He grabbed the shirt he picked out and started to button it up. Maddie, I don't care how tempted you are, don't look.

Don't look.

Don't look.

I can't help it. I got one more good look at his torso and even though he wasn't looking at me this overconfident grin took hold of his mouth. The thought of Harley liking me and looking at him made my insides boil with this need I don't think I have ever felt before.

"It was an emergency."

"What if I'm still asleep when you get back?" I question but still, I don't make a move to get out of bed. It felt too good and smelled like heaven came down to earth. Plus knowing Harley was sleeping here made me never want to leave it.

"I'll just climb in beside you." He was fiddling with something on his dresser so I couldn't see his facial reactions to tell if he was picking.

"Ha-ha real funny," I say and he glances over his shoulder with a somber expression on his face that stopped everything in the universe. Was he being serious?

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