Chapter Twenty-Nine: Together, Together

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He was awake, he was alive.

I ran through that hospital as I've never run in my life. It seemed every second that I wasn't in his arms right now was wasted. No more wasted time, no more lonely nights, no more smelling his pillow just to get a taste of him again. No more talking to the shell of a man I loved.

If this year has taught me anything, it was that time was precious, and every moment you doubt what your heart tells you, you are throwing away and you can never get it back. I thought I would never be able to tell him all of the emotions he caused me to have. Thought I would never be able to explore every inch of his body. So many things I thought I was never going to be able to do, were not possible.

Part of me was worried that there had been a mix-up and it wasn't him that ad woke up no it was someone else and they messed up the contact information, because how could this be real, how after an entire year exactly could his body decide to wake up now? What was so special about, now?

No more wasted time. I would make the most of the rest of our lives. I would kiss every single inch of that man's body; I would tell him everything I have ever thought about him. Let him know exactly how much he means to me. Tell him how I kept my promise and brag about my book. I'll lay beside him every night and not be scared to embrace him instead of hiding behind those walls I've built for everyone else.

When I built those walls, I manufactured a door and Harley was the only one that had the key. I loved him. I loved him. I loved every single part of him. His flaws were perfect.

I stop at the front desk and pant trying to catch my breath. I could hear everyone following me, finally catching up. "Um ..." Pant. "Harley. Harley Walker." The woman smiles kindly at me and walks with me to his room. I already knew where his room was, but I didn't know if they were ready to welcome in visitors or if they were still running tests, or even if he was lucid.

She opens the door and I pause a moment before stepping into the room. "I don't care about the damn I.V. Where is she? Madeline Hansel. The average height for a girl. She's nineteen years old. Auburn hair, green eyes."

"Sir, we have already contacted her." A nurse explains.

I hear him grunt out in frustration. "Just let me out, I'll go get her m-." I step into view of the hospital bed, and he stops talking. He leans away from the nurse and crawls off the bed, he wobbles slightly when he stands up and I rush to him prepared to catch him if he falls.

He wraps his arms around me pulling me to him, causing his wobbly legs to pull us both back onto the bed. His face is buried into my hair and mine in his chest. Sobs escape me, thick ugly sobs and I didn't care that everyone in this room was listening to them.

I didn't care that anyone was seeing me like this because the only thing that mattered was that he was here, that his arms were wrapped around me, squeezing me close. He was the only that mattered right now everything else I could worry about later.

"I love you," I speak. "I love you. I love you. I love you."

"I love you." He says whispering into my hair. "I'm never letting you go again."

I pull back just far enough to look at those green eyes I've missed so much and spent countless nights praying for them to open up again. I smashed my lips to him, stealing mine and his breath away.

"Friends my ass ..." Liz says from behind us, and I can't help but laugh into Harley's mouth I feel his laughter seeping through my lips.

He sits up and I sit down beside him, his arm still holding me close to his side, not daring to let me even move an inch from him. The nurse excused herself, giving everyone some privacy. Harley runs to us with her arms outstretched, embracing both of us. Her ugly sobs echoed throughout the room. "I missed you so much." She speaks.

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