Chapter 9: Chambers

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Sophia walked through the door, escaping the dark cellar, and out into a purple hallway. Pillars lined its sides every 7 feet. The carpet felt like a school corridors carpet. She looked down the hallway to see it empty. 2 doors lined the sides of the hall, one on the left and the other on the right. The left one was the closest.

Sophia approached the door, Mya and Ildy trudging behind, their footsteps dulled. She gripped the door handle and swung it wide open. Inside was a white room, with white counters, and lots of beakers. A boiling came from the room, and a sweet aroma as well. Sophia walked in, seeing that there was no one inside. She walked past the many beakers, covering an island in the middle of the room. Sophia found the source of the noise, which came from a large beaker in the back of the room. The beaker held a strange brown substance that was clear, it boiled, releasing a sweet fume.

"Carasicle?" Ildy said, looking at the beaker.

"Carasicle? What's that?" Sophia asked.

"It's a sweet caramel," Ildy said.

"Why would it be in here?" Sophia said, looking back at the glass.

"I'm-." Ildy cut himself off after hearing the sound of clopping.

Sophia and Ildy ducked down, Mya soon after. They went silent, pressing themselves against the wall. The clopping stopped at the door. The door opened and a grey horse came into the room. It started to walk towards the Carasicle, smelling its delectable aroma. The horse walked in front of them, next to the Carasicle and it floated the bottle with it. It turned around and saw the three of them. He screamed and dropped the Carasicle.

"What!?" The horse yelled.

Ildy grabbed a beaker and smashed it over the horse's head. It shattered onto the floor. Mya and Sophia stood up and watched as the horse stumble and knock itself into the wall. It fell to the ground unconscious with a slam.

"Ildy, what the heck was that!?" Mya said in a whisper. Ildy shrugged, still holding half of the beaker.

Sophia sighed and turned to face the door. There it lay open with another horse standing at the door in shock.

"Crap!" Sophia grabbed a beaker and through it at the horse, who slammed the door shut. Ildy and Mya looked over at the door. "Grab a beaker!" Sophia yelled.

Mya ripped the biggest one she could grab off the counter and hauled it over her shoulder. Sophia ripped open the cabinets above her and pulled out a bottle full of a strange, blue liquid. She also grabbed a medium size beaker off the island in the middle of the table. The three of them waited for a moment, then they heard a clopping in the distance. A spike smashed through the door, flying by Sophia. A set of horses, clad with silver armor, barged into the room.

"TAKE THIS!" Sophia yelled as she threw the bottle of blue liquid at the horse. It splashed all over the horse and the armor. It stumbled back into the hallway and a terrifying screech pierced their ears. Sophia's bottle shattered in her hand as the 2 other horses walked into the room. They held magic spears. Mya ran towards them, shocking both horses. Ildy ran behind yelling when a spear pierced his shoulder. Mya stopped suddenly as Ildy screamed in pain. The horse smashed her to the side, and she clattered to the ground.

Crap... Sophia thought, looking at both horses. Sophia slowly put her hands up and the horse in front of her noticed it. It slammed the spear into her foot, and she fell to her knees. She fell onto the ground wincing and breathing hard.

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