Chapter 5: Jiu

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Sophia stood Infront of the punching bag. She had never been a fighter, but she felt some overwhelming urge to become stronger. No longer would she stand alone. Without a doubt... maybe? She wants to see her father, her mother, and her friends... on earth. It had been such a long time. What had mom and dad thought? What is a time like outside of this world? Of course, if it did not move there would be no reason to move at all. Who did she want to be? She had to decide for herself. It had not even been a month, who was the person who had deceived them all? Ameera? The man at the edge of the portal?

She clenched her fist and swung at the punching bag, but she stopped short, as someone gripped her arm. She looked to her side and saw Ranch.

"This could be a lot easier for us if you weren't indecisive." Ranch said sternly. Sophia pulled away.

"Can you do any better!?" She yelled at him.

"You'll see." He threw a light punch at the punching bag, and it exploded, sand going everywhere. Sophia shifted back coughing. Ranch pulled his hand out of the bag, shaking off the sand.

He glared at Sophia, then walked out the door. The room fell into silence. Sophia watched him leave. Once the doors closed, she looked back at the punching bag. Indecisive? INDECISIVE?! She punched what was left of the punching bag, but it didn't move, not even a handful of sand fell out.

She started to tear up. She fell onto her knees, landing on the sand. "Damn..."



Ildy sat in a waiting room. Ranch had told him to wait here. He looked around. The room was placed next to the windows. Chairs were all over the room, and a few people waited. The door swung open next to him.

"Ildy Itjimat?" the doctor looked around for a moment before Ildy sat up. "Ah good, follow me." Ildy walked behind the doctor, his bald head gleaming from the overhead lights. Left, right, downstairs, upstairs, where were they going?

They finally arrived after walking for what seemed like hours. The walls had become barren, and the light's original buzz was gone. The doctor opened the door and walked on in, Ildy followed. The door slammed behind him as they entered an operating room, it was full of strange machines and fluids.

"Sit here, Tenebres will be with you soon." The doctor left the room, and all Ildy could hear now was the beeping of the machines. Minutes later, the door opened behind him. Ildy turned to look at who had entered. His eyes discouraged him.

The man, who had just entered the room, wore what seemed like overalls, which went over his white coat. His face seemed malnourished, and his hair was unkempt. His glasses were cracked and bent, and he walked with an odd limp. Then ranch walked in from behind him.

"Hello Ildy, I hope you're doing ok." Ranch said in a calm voice.

"Yeah..." Ildy points to the strange doctor. "Is he... Ok?"

"Oh of course, he is the best doctor in the building, he is human you know. Doctor Tenebres, if you would not mind introducing yourself to Ildy?"

"Tenebres turned around from whatever he was doing with the machines and looked at Ildy. "O-of course master Ranch, he-hello Ildy..." He said his name as If he was an eel. "I-I am d-doctor Tenebres." Ildy gulped as he watched the weakened old man shake nervously.

"Don't worry Ildy, when he's working, nothing will go wrong." Ranch suddenly chopped Ildys neck, and he blacked out. His eyes rolled to the back his head and he fell completely onto the operating table.

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