Sophia, a young girl, finds herself overwhelmed by a strange world. Mya, a young mage confronts her past and finds a new path to her future. Finally, Ildy, the stepson of an abusive stepmother, will learn to forgive and attain new power.
Radiant wo...
"EH?! WHAT?" Sophia stumbled backward as Juliana told her that she was in another dimension. Sophia tried to process what was going on, magic, demons, another dimension? She slumped down on the wall. Ameera changed her focus over to Juliana once more.
"So, this is your granddaughter, Juliana." Juliana nodded her head. Mya looked over at Sophia in estrangement. Sophia looked back at Mya, she had glossy black hair that went to her neck and glowing green eyes. She was around fourteen... or fifteen? Sophia wasn't sure, she looked different than any other kid she had known. She also had a robe with a blue crustation embroidered on the middle area, which to Sophia looked dumb.
Sophia stifled a laugh. Mya looked at her with disgust and went back to the strange woman her grandmother had called Ameera. Her red hair contrasted with the black outfit. Sophia could see the grey hairs poking out, although she seemed quite young.
Juliana finished her conversation with Ameera and looked over to Sophia. "Come on, get up, follow Marco to your room, you'll be staying here for a while."
"What about my mom?" Sophia asked.
"Oh... I will sort things out with her, worry not." Juliana assured her.
"Ok then... I'll see you later." Sophia said it with uncertainty.
She finally saw the grand hall; she was on a platform because the office was above the main floor. It was filled with marble pillars and statues of strange people or gods, coated with gold. With beautiful wood carvings and a long row of stone-like tables. Arches lined entrances to other hallways. Candles made of shining wax were placed along the pillars and sides of the room, lighting it up. Sophia gasped at its beauty.
"It is a spectacular sight isn't it, made by... well me." Marco flexed his skills.
Sophia looked over to Marco. "You made this?! Wow!" Marco smiled and continued down the stairs nearby, Sophia followed down. Once they made it to the bottom of the staircase, a large statue was in the middle, though they were behind it. Sophia walked around and read the gold label, 'Tarnia the Great' and then the subtext, 'Tarnia killed the great beast Gilgar during the one-thousand-year Demon War.' Sophia looked at the statue, a woman with long red curly hair with a large icy spear piercing a serpent's skull stood above a sea of roaring waves.
"Wow... She's beautiful." Sophia looked at Marco, who was now next to her.
"Yes, this is one of my best creations, I met her, but she was much older than this. She has sadly passed away..." His eyes looked solemn with regret. "Now, you can look at these later, come with me to the dorms."