Chapter 25

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A/N: Happy New Year!!! I hope this new year will be good for you and that any negativity you have been experiencing has stayed behind in 2022! <3

Thank you for 50k reads, luv u all so much!! U are insane <33

As the Uber rolls up, Ghost helps you and Maya into the car. You sit in the middle seat and lean your head on Ghost's shoulder the entire ride. The first stop is Maya's apartment where you have to pick up your bag. You are by far the drunkest of the three and Ghost has to support you as you walk up the stairwell. You stumble around the apartment with Ghost close behind you. He picks up your bag and after both of you hug and say goodbye to Maya, he carries it down the stairs with you walking slowly behind him.

"Didn't know you like girls."

You look up at the back of his head, confused.

"What are you talking about" you say, slurring your words.

"You looked a little too happy kissing Maya to not be interested." He lets out a raspy chuckle.

"I'm not some kind of lesbian if that's what you think."

"Whatever you say." You can hear the smile on his lips.

A little while later you arrive at your apartment. Ghost's grip on your arm as you walk up the stairs is tight. He keeps you steady as you slowly walk up the stairs. You don't lift your foot high enough for one step and you stub your foot into the stairs, making you fall forward. Being quick to react, Ghost pulls on your arm, keeping you from falling face-first into the ground.

"Take it easy Bambi." he says as you regain your balance. Thankful for the help, you turn to him and wrap your arms around his warm body and push your face into his chest.

You stand with your arms wrapped around him for a few minutes. Ghost's arm is wrapped around you too and he is stroking your back. You let your hands move down over his back, eventually reaching his ass. You squeeze it in your hands and giggle. Ghost lets out a sigh, signaling both mild annoyance and amusement.

"Are you done soon?" Ghost asks after a while. You let go of him and look up at his face. He nods his head to continue up the stairs. You grab his hand and he helps you up the rest of the stairs.

You get into the apartment and you sway as you get your shoes off. Ghost walks in with your bag to the bedroom and when you have gotten your shoes off you follow after him into the room. Ghost is sitting on the bed with a hand resting on his thigh. Your eyes travel up and down his body, studying it. The rolled-up sleeves of his shirt expose his large veiny arms and his black pants are tight around his thighs. You are once again standing in awe at how sexy he looks, and he's not even trying, he just IS. The booze in your blood exaggerates what he makes your body feel when you look at him, and you decide to give him a little show.

You turn your back to Ghost, reaching for the zipper at the back of your dress and pulling it down. Then you grab your dress and you start to slowly pull it down too, bending over forward to get it down to the floor. You step out of the dress and push it to the side with your foot. Now only wearing a strapless bra, stockings, and panties, you turn around to Ghost.

"So it's boyfriend now?" you ask playfully, swaying your hips as you walk in front of him. His eyes follow your every move and it makes you feel sexy. You stop, standing right between his spread legs. Then you place your hand under his chin like he has done to you multiple times. "Then you qualify for the boyfriend treatment."

T(H)RUST - Ghost x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now