Chapter 34

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The bullet goes straight through his head. 

Ghost watches as the man he shot falls down the stairs. If the bullet didn't kill him, the way he landed on his neck certainly did. The blood splatters all over the walls. He hears a thud behind him and turns around, seeing another man, laying on the floor with a pistol in his hand. He has a heavily bleeding hole in his forehead.

"Good shot Y/n!" Ghost says, thankful that she'd managed to stop the man that easily could have killed him. He quickly peeks into the room behind him, but there's nothing in there that they're looking for. Y/n doesn't reply. He turns around to check on her. 

His heart drops and shatters into a million pieces when he lays his eyes on her. 

"No no no no.." He throws his rifle to the floor and falls down to his knees next to her. There's a trail of blood on the wall behind her, made by her clothes as she's slumped down on the floor. 

"Where did he hit you?" He asks frantically, grabbing her by her shoulders. But she doesn't answer. "Y/n! Where?!" He shouts, his voice clawing in his throat. He looks over her body in a panic. Where the fuck did he hit her?

Her lower abdomen and legs are covered in blood. Ghost starts to rip the velcro straps off her vest with one hand, turning on his radio with the other.

"They fucking shot her!" He screams through it, and his voice breaks. "They.. they shot her."

He rips the vest off her, throwing it to the side. Y/n's tan-colored shirt has turned deep brown from all the blood. Ghost pulls up her shirt, trying to find the bullet wound.

"Say again." Price calls through the radio, not grasping the situation.

"Y/n's shot! She's fucking bleeding out!" Ghost shouts as he searches for where she's been hit.

"We'll be right there Simon, don't worry." Price responds.

Ghost can't find the wound on her abdomen, but there's an even darker patch of fabric on her cargo pants. 

"I—" She stutters. Ghost darts his eyes to look at her face. Her beautiful eyes stare out straight in front of her. He loved looking into them. He loved seeing her emotions reflect in them. She would look up at him with such joy in her eyes and whenever she did, it would melt him on the inside. But now, they are cold, with no trace of the sparkle that usually would reside within them. He feels the tears burn behind his eyes.

"I.. I killed him.." Her voice is fragile, like a snowflake, the air barely able to carry it. "I killed him." She repeats. Her lower lip is quivering and soon he sees a tear fall down her cheek.

"Hey, no no." Ghost says, cupping her face in his hands. The blood on his fingers smears over her skin when he tries to wipe her tears. "Shhh, calm down."

He sees her lips start to slowly turn a violet color and how her skin goes pale. Fuck, no no no. Ghost looks back down, trying to find the wound. He sees a hole in her pants, right where her femur meets her hip bone. Blood has quickly started to pool under her. The bullet must have damaged her femoral artery, she'll be dead in minutes. He reaches for his knife and starts cutting up the fabric at her thigh. Ghost grabs the small med kit that's strapped to his hip. He pulls out a hemostatic dressing, rips the packet open, and presses it as hard as he can against the wound. Y/n flails loosely with her arms at the pressure. Ghost can tell that she's getting weaker.

"I'm here.." He says, wrapping his other arm under her back and pulling her close to his body. "'ll be okay Bambi, I promise you that."

She loses her grip on her rifle and it falls to the floor, making a clattering sound. 

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