Chapter 2: Human Village

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The street is filled with bystanders, all walking their own path from all directions, minding their own business. The weather is nice, not a sight of a single cloud in the sky which makes the village more lively than usual.

Senchi: "So this is the human village..."

Fascinated by the scale of this 'village', it feels more like a little town. Feels like time traveling back to feudal Japan.

Youmu: "If you want to secure a job, then we should pick up our paces"

The silvered haired girl with a black hair band dressed in white and green, dangling 2 blades on her hip and back is my tour guide. Yuyuko said she regularly visits the village, so she's the best candidate (available) for tour guiding me.

Senchi: "Youmu-san, I don't mean to offend you or anything, but is it alright for you... uh... a half ghost to be in human village?"

Youmu: "Most of the villagers knows me, so they wouldn't min. But I can't say for other Youkai"

Senchi: "So youkai are usually banned from entering human village?"

Youmu: "That's what it says on paper, but if the youkai has a human disguise and causes no trouble, no one will mind. Since I am half human, I am generally accepted here"

Senchi: "Oh... okay! Let's not waste any more time and begin the job hunt!"

Youmu leads me down the street pointing left and right introducing different types of shops. Humans in the village are dressed in old Japanese clothing. Some shopkeeps promotes their sales and products by shouting out praises for their place. But a lot of them are just small stands that run by less than 3 people, I doubt they will need part timer.

Then we reached a medium sized shop, with 3 big words at the front says 'Suzunaan'.

Youmu: "That's Suzunaan, it's a rental book store. You can try your luck here. I have some business here anyway"

Senchi: "Sure, I'll give it a go"

I followed Youmu into the store, as we go in the a set of bells ring that grabbed the attention of the storekeeper. The store is very much like a book store I worked at before, but a bit darker and less colourful. The collection of books here are impressive though, some are even in foreign language. Not only books, there're even scrolls and newspapers. A short girl with brown twintails wearing yellow apron comes around the corner, She must be the shopkeep here.

 A short girl with brown twintails wearing yellow apron comes around the corner, She must be the shopkeep here

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ART BY NovelAi

??: "Welcome! Oh it's Youmu-san! What can I do for you?"

Youmu: "Kosuzu-san, is the latest chapter out yet? The one by Agatha Chris. Q?"

Kosuzu: "Sure is! I got it right here next to me"

Youmu: "I'll take 2 please!"

Kosuzu: "Is one not enough? Can't you share it with your mistress?"

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