The Tomboyish Wind God Girl in Love - I

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Senchi: "Mm...mmm..."

What the...

Oww... my head hurts...! But I don't remember drinking much last night... nor this feels like a hangover...

Where am's so dark I can't see my 5 fingers... but rather... I can't hold out my 5 fingers!

Senchi: "Mm! Mmmph!"

My hands and feet are being tied up, and my scream is silenced by a piece of cloth in my mouth!

This is bad... how did I end up here anyway?

Let me try to remember... Yesterday's gathering, I ended up joining with Aya and Momiji. And then... and then... uugh... the more I think about it the more painful the headache I get! I remember having a little drink with them and then... everything else is blurry.

But now it's apparent that I've been abducted by someone and stuffed in some dark enclosed space... the wall in front of me actually looks more like a slide door, and I can barely see some sort of clothings if I tilt my body and head far enough. Am I in some kind of wardrobe?

As I am still wondering where I am, I can hear faint footsteps getting close. Someone is coming. Rescuer? Or is it the kidnapper!? But it's not like I can do anything besides wait.

I can hear the person open the door and enter the room.

??*muffled*: "Uugh... where is it... where did I left it..."

An unfamiliar girl's voice. W-wait, am I in a girl's room!? A-and it's probably someone I don't know too! This is bad! If she finds me in here- hold on... she might be a kidnapper.

Ahh! I don't know! I can't move nor make a voice! I can only sit and wait for everything to play out.

?? #2*muffled*: "Have you found it yet!?"

A second voice shouted from outside of the room, for some reason it sounds really familiar.

??*muffled*: "I'm still looking! Dammit where is it... is it in here?

The footsteps now getting closer and closer, until it stops right in front of the side door.

*Door slide open*

*Door slide open*

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Art by NovelAI

??: "Just where is my damn phon-"

Senchi*muffled*: "Mmm! Mmmph!!"


The girl stars at me without much emotion.

??: "Uugh..."

Senchi*muffled*: "Mm! Mm mmm Mmmph!"

??: "Oookay..."

Wait, why is she closing the wardrobe door!? Help me!!"

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