Coming out to them Ftm/mtf

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Harry Potter:
Harry would be perfectly fine with it because he grew up with muggles. "So, you're a (girl/boy) now? That's great! Well, thanks for telling me, dude! If you need to talk I'm always here" he would hug you, and then he'd talk to the headmaster about getting you moved to the (girl's/boy's) room.

Ron Weasley:
Ron would be very confused at first. Though after some time and explaining he'd get it. "You want to be a (girl/boy)? I accept you because you're one of my good friends! Though give me some time to practice the name and pronouns!" Ron is very supportive once he understands.

Hermione Granger:
Hermione would get excited, because it is something she read about in books, and she'd be a big supporter. "Really?! That's so cool! I've heard about it in books and I've seen it on tv! Of course, I support you!" She would then figure out a way to help you transition. She would take you shopping for all the clothes you want and need.

Draco Malfoy:
Surprisingly Draco is very supportive! "You are a girl/boy) now? Cool, I guess. Am I supportive of you? Of course, I am dumbass! Now let's go tell Snape!" He would then tell Snape to have you moved into the (girl's/boy's) room. And tell his father about the school saying no if it had gone wrong. And his father would be furious that someone said no to Draco.

Neville Longbottom:
Neville being the sweet child he is, would of course be supportive and happy for you. Though sometimes he'd mess up on your pronouns and name, and immediately apologize. "You are a (boy/girl) now? W-Well okay, yeah of course I expect you!"

Luna Lovegood:
She is accepting and is quite curious about you being trans. "Yes, I accept you, though I do have some questions... Like how long have you felt like this? And can you tell me what it means..?" after understanding you two could walk around, and enjoy the mystical beasts of the outside.

George and Fred Weasley:
Let's be honest, they'd know before you. "Well yeah, of course, you're a trans (boy/girl)! We knew before you!" "We tried to tell you!" then they always tease you about them knowing before you. (light-heartedly of course)

Professor Albus Dumbledore:
He would be accepting, like a father. "Thank you for telling me. Of course, I accept you, dear child. Now, would you like to switch dorms, so you are with the (girls/boys)?" then he'd switch you over.

(😏) Lord Voldemort:
He would accept you. "Yes, I accept you being trans, child. I'm not that much of a monster!" (HE WOULD PUT ON HEELS AND A STRIPPER TYPE OF OUTFIT AND WOULD SING THE "Oh Voldiemort" SONG!)

Professor Severus Snape:
Snape is another father figure BECAUSE YES! "Transgender..?...Yes, I've heard it. .. I think I have some sort of charm or spell to make you genetically a (girl/boy)." then he'd help you out, and transfer you to the (girl's/boy's) dorm.

Rubeus Hagrid:
He would have no clue what a trans person was until you explained it. He would accept you. "Oh. Thanks for telling me. Yes, I'll accept you. You are my student after all." Then he'd take you out shopping.

Molly Weasley:
No words, she would literally hug you and make you hot cocoa! Mama Weasley is an Ally! She'd take you dress shopping or tux shopping.

Sirius Black:
Duh! He's a huge ally "yeah kid, that's fine with me."

(Lgbt) Harry Potter scenarios 16+Where stories live. Discover now