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Hermione takes you shopping. And some
Y/n x Hermione (MTF)
(Tw: parental homophobia)

Y/n's POV:
I had woke up, realizing it was 11:30am. Thank god there was no school today, but I do have a lot to do. The Yule ball is coming up, and I need to find a dress. I think Snape said he had left some cash for me. I then got up after other thinking about my day, and looked through my old purse. I then found 3000 in cash. Thank god for Snape. He lets me stay with him over the summer because my parents kicked me out. They said I was a monster. Though Snape said he didn't care who I was.

Snape is a much better dad then my bio parents. Snape said he'd let me stay with him till I can get on my feet after hogwarts. And if I needed support after, he'd always let me come back. He's a really good dad. A bit strict, but very supportive. I then walked down the main steps, getting out of my thoughts. I go to eat breakfast, bumping into Hermione. "Oh! Hey Hermione!" I said, and she smiled at me from behind the books she carried. "Oh! Hey Y/n I need to ask you something." She asked, setting her books down. "Yeah what's up?" I smiled at her. "Will you come dress shopping with me?" I giggle a little "I was actually going to ask you if you wanted to go with me. I-I mean to dress shopping of corse." I stutter blushing. She nods and smiles, and we head out.

When we find a dress shop, we walk in and start looking around. I was so nervous to be wearing my first dress at a dance. It had to be perfect. I then picked up this gorgeous (f/c) dress. "Hermione, I'm gonna go try on this dress!" I smiled, happily making my way to the fitting room. "Okay! I'm right behind you, so we can show each other at the same time!" I nodded, and headed into a dressing room. I then got changed and admired myself in this dress. I felt so pretty. I twirl and giggle to myself.

Then me and Hermione stepped out of the dressing room to compare dresses. Holy shit! ..Hermione is hot as fuck. "Y-You look stunning." I said blushing. "Likewise, you look gorgeous yourself." Hermione smiled at me, and then we both got dressed, and bought the dresses heading out. .. I really like hermione and I'm glad I got to spend time with her.


Alright loves! Sorry that was a bit short. Have a wonderful day or night! Eat food and drink water, and remember to breathe! Cya! ❤️❤️❤️

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