Lost Among Scrap

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A/N: I would just like to apologize to everyone for being gone for so long! I do promise I'm sticking around for at least a little bit, especially since I have a few new ideas for some other fics! And mostly, thank you guys so much for being here or checking back every so often. To those who have been here this entire time, waiting for a new update, thank you dearly and these chapters are for you! Please enjoy! ♥

TW: Mentions of blood, and profanity.


After dry swallowing almost half a bottle of Tylenol and taking a bottle of emergency whiskey with me, for the pain, I had helped Lefty into my car and made my way to my old restaurant. I just couldn't fathom to myself how much has happened within the past couple of weeks. The fact that I had an animatronic living with me let alone a few who were after me, my restaurant had burned down and one of the freaks that was supposed to burn with it apparently did not. I still had no idea what to do with it.. or him, Afton or whatever.
Finally at the mangled remains of my investment, I stepped out of the car surprised to find that there wasn't any officers or detectives there. Just slightly tattered crime scene tape surrounding the perimeter. The scent of fire smoke and heat enveloped my senses immediately and I helped Lefty out of my car. It occurred to me that I had no idea why he wanted to be back here. Afton was still at my place, and if he was awake by now, he might be making his way back here.
"...Lefty? Why are we back here? The rest burned, right?"
"...I want to be sure. Can I see your keys?"
I reluctantly handed him the keys to my beat up sedan.
Slowly, he trudged his way over into the piles of scrap, standing and examining. He picked up a few pieces of metal and holding it up to his face before putting it back down. Remnants of things I had bought from the catalog... the animatronics I attempted to salvage. A beat up pair of metallic roller skates. The broken bear mask from Spaghetti Freddy.
I went back into the car for a while, wondering what I should do from here. I felt... lost. Nowhere to go from here. At rock bottom. But in order to keep myself lifted, I reminded myself that there's nowhere else to go but up. Unless this wasn't rock bottom.
What would be worse than this?
I can't even bring myself to think it. I don't want to. I can't. He's all I have.
I didn't even realize I had actually teared up, immediately starting to wipe them away as soon as as Lefty opened the passenger door again.
"(Y/N)? What's the matter?"
Christ. How did he know I was crying?
"Nothing, nothing Lefty I'm fine."
"..I think I have a plan. Do you have another place to live?"
"Do you have somewhere to stay? To call home?"
This motherfucker.
"..Worst comes to worst, I'll just stay at a motel for a while? Why?"
"....Go find one."
Lefty leaned over and put something on the dashboard of the car. When he moved his hand, which I realized he was holding a gasoline can in the other, there was little Helpy, completely untouched by the fire. The little bear's glassy eyes looked at me like he was thrilled to finally be in a safer place. Lefty stayed for a moment more, staring at me intently with his one working eye. For the first time he.. looked human. I couldn't explain it. My throat closed up. I was about to cry again.
"I love you."
With that, he slammed the door and ran into the darkness of the night, behind a bunch of trees in the opposite direction of the restaurant. I was in disbelief. I stepped out, sprinting after him before I realized I couldn't see him. My chest hurt. My side hurt. I knew I was bleeding again. But I didn't care about that right now. Tears were pouring down my cheeks.
"Lefty! Lefty get back here god damn it!"
I sank down to my knees, finally letting my emotions get the best of me. The puzzles were clicking in my brain. He was going to sacrifice himself to save me. Burning my house down.
I couldn't care about the house.
I had to get to him.
A second wind crashed over me and I stood up. I ran back to my car before I realized that I gave him my keys. And he must have deliberately dropped my keys. Among the scrap. Knowing that I was going to go after him.
Son. Of. A. Bitch.
My throat ached to scream in anger but I just huffed clenched my fists, knowing that I may not make it in time. Not unless I'm quick.

Time Skip (???)

Many, many minutes later and half of my whiskey is gone to keep me from wincing through the piercing pain in my side, I had finally found those stupid fucking car keys that the stupid fucking animatronic I fucking loved had dropped amongst all this stupid fucking scrap and stupid fucking ash. No doubt my clothes were completely soaked in my own blood and covered in soot by now. Time to end this. With that, I took the rest of my whiskey and trudged over to the car, exhaustion and drunkenness starting to get a hold of me.
Not yet. We can do this. Lefty.. have to find Lefty.
I turned the ignition and the engine roared, as determined as I was.

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