Close Encounter

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Time Skip (???)

I woke up, half expecting to see the ceiling of my bedroom lit up by the glow of the sun through my curtains but no. It was very dark and I felt cramped. I tried standing up yet not only did I groan in pain and felt sore... I also felt restrained. And with a massive pain in my head. I began rubbing the side of my head in which the pain slept. I let my eyes adjust to the absence of light and squinted to examine my surroundings. I seemed to be a sort of small closet. All that I could see was lit up only by the light that escaped under the door to my left. I had.... animatronic legs?! Oh no.. no those aren't mine. Whew. But my relief was short lived as a fresh wave of panic washed over my brain. What the hell happened? I tried to feel my around. patting at the ground and to the air. I was kind of pushed up against a soft.. wall? I attempted to make out what was restraining me. The soft cushioning of strong arms were wrapped around me. I couldn't see very well so I patted at them and felt that yeah.

They were animatronic arms. And I could barely see, but I'm pretty sure the left hand is clutching a microphone. I craned my head to look up and my suspicions were correct. A bright, single gold eye stared down at me, half-lidded.


The bear slowly brought a finger to his muzzle.. or lips. Not sure. I could hear the clicks of his joints working and the quiet puffs of cold air escaping his mouth. He softly shushed me. And returned to hugging me against him. I decided not to question it even if my heart was pounding and I felt kind of terrified. I then remembered that I was knocked out cold by that weird clown robot. I grumbled to myself. I am going to throw all of those murderous robots out so fast. Even if I have to tear this place apart to find all of them.

I still was rubbing the side of my head when all was silent. But that silence didn't last long as even in this small closet, I could still hear the ventilation system. Bumps and movement. Bastards are still hanging up there? I'm surprised they haven't broke through the ceiling. I decided to try and talk to the bear who possibly saved my life...?

"Hey uhh.... how long have we been here?"

No reply.

"....Lefty, can you talk?"

I craned my neck to look up at him and he gazed down. He seemed to be slowly shaking his head. That's too bad. If he is saving my life I might as well just stay here. However long that may take.

Time Skip (???)

I had not even realized I fell asleep until the hostess of the restaurant ripped open the door, letting light explode into the dark closet, jolting me awake instantly.

"There you are! Where have you been? It's five minutes till opening!"

My groggy self shielded my eyes from being blinded by the cruel sting of the light, as I was still being held by that animatronic bear.

"....What?" To which I replied.

"Hurry! We have to get you up! What are you doing in here? What happened?!"

She edged closer and tried to pry away Lefty's arms. But he wouldn't budge and even wrapped his arms around me tighter. Eventually, the hostess got them off after a moment or two.
I stood up, relieved to get the blood flowing in my legs again and stepped, or rather stumbled, out of the closet still trying to process the situation around me.
The hostess slammed the door shut and kind of stared at me oddly.

"What happened? What were you doing in there?!"

I only blinked a few times and rubbed the pain at my head.

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