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Warning: Profanity, some fighting and reader addresses a wound. Blood as well.

Time Skip (???)

I groaned, opening sleep-fogged eyes as I realized how dark it was. I must've fallen asleep. Though, it seems like I'm... in my closet. My closet? When did I get here?

...And why does this seem familiar?

Ah right.

I patted the arms clutching me tightly and gazed up. Lefty. Why were we in the closet? I whispered just in case.

"...Uh... Lefty..?"

"Shhh... someone is.. here."

"What? What do you mean? In the house? ..Who?-"

"...I know who. And he's.. dangerous. I brought you in here to keep you safe. His name is... Afton."

"...Wh... Afton? Lefty, if there's someone in the house I need to call the police or kick them out or d-"

I was cut off by his paw covering my mouth gently, the small clicks of his ears twitching. I heard them coming closer as well... footsteps. Heavy ones too. ....And then a stench. That same rancid stink coming off that one scrap rabbit animatronic I salvaged. What is he doing here?! What does he want?!

Then Lefty let go of me, scooting me carefully to the other side of my closet, hidden behind clothes.

"...Stay here please. Don't come out.... you'll be safe. He only wants me..."

Suddenly, he swiftly climbed out of the closet, leaving me in the lonely space. I pulled my knees up to my chest, trying to think of a way to get out quick. If I can go grab that shovel or crowbar or.... just some weapon thing from my shed and maybe called the police I could... no. The police won't be here soon enough. Nor believe me.. fuck, what do I do.. I can't just leave Lefty out there, who knows what'll happen. Especially with that fucking rabbit walking around in my damn house!

I gotta get out.

All was quiet and I stood up, peaking out of my closet. The moon from the window provided just the slightest bit of dim light. It was enough. I quickly shuffled out, looking around cautiously for a sign of either Lefty or... Afton. I went to my bedside table and pulled out a flashlight from a drawer, trying to make as less noise as possible. Clicking it on, I let the beam of light guide my way from my bedroom to my living room. I carefully opened the door, cringing at the squeak it made. There was no noise. There was no Afton. There was no Lefty.

Where the hell are they?

Then, I heard it. Fighting. Shrieking and mumbles, the sounds of struggle from my kitchen. I quickly rushed over, seeing the two silhouettes of heavy animatronics fighting against each other. The rabbit had Lefty against the table, his torn off arm with a bone sticking out raised like a weapon.


The anger in his voice echoed throughout the room. I gripped my flashlight tighter, feeling my blood boil at the sight of someone threatening to hurt Lefty.

I ran over and bashed my flashlight at the rabbit's head, anger and adrenaline rushing through my veins. My heart pounded fast and I could feel my arms shaking as I did so. Afton stumbled back, letting go of the bear.


Two strong arms pulled me away from him.

"(Y/N), you need to g... get out of here. Please."

"No. I can't leave you here with this.. thing!"

I tried to writhe out of Lefty's hold, but he kept pulling me away from the kitchen and into the living room. Afton was starting to get back up, charging at the both of us with feverish intent. He knocked me out of the way with a sharp pain, making me stumble to the floor. He had Lefty again, trying to hit at him. The pain in my side was unbearable as I tried to stand up with a groan. Falling back to the floor, my vision faded as I faintly saw Lefty push Afton to the floor.
My side ached as I struggled to get up again, suddenly made easier as Lefty came over and plucked me up off the floor, carrying me in his arms. I groaned, starting to notice my carpet starting to get darker.

"....Y-You're bleeding."

"Great way to.. mm, start off my night heh... I'm fine Lefty, we need to get this prick o-out of here..."

I could barely keep my eyes open, trying to get out of Lefty's grasp. He only held me tighter.

"No no we.. we need to get you help. The hospital, I need to take you to the hospital."

I could feel myself fading in and out of consciousness, clutching my side. My shirt was damp as it sopped up the dark red liquid.

"Lefty put me down I... I can do this.."

Finding the last bit of strength in me, I shuffled out of his arms, scrambling a bit on my feet to get my balance again. I could hear a bit of a huff from him as I stumbled over to my bathroom and flicked on the light. The sudden sting of the brightness made me flinch a bit. I could hear Lefty's footsteps behind me as I knelt down and started pulling things out of my cabinet under the sink. Not even caring for the mess I was making, my hands were shaky as I grabbed a roll of bandages, ripping the wrapper off of an alcohol wipe with my teeth. I peeled off my shirt, fresh blood starting to drip down. Taking a deep breath, I pressed the wipe to the wound on my side. The sting made me clench my eyes shut and grunted. Wiping the wound down through a few groans and teeth gritting. Lefty shuffled over, his eyes wide with worry.

"I'm fine... I'm fine.."

I pressed a clean medical pad to the wound before any more blood could seep out. I reached for the bandages before realizing Lefty had them in his hands. I stared at him and raised my arms a bit. Lefty was surprisingly quick as he bent down and began wrapping the bandages around and around my body snugly. He tied it off, standing up and helping me back on my feet.

"..It'll have to do. What are we doing to do with ..Afton?"

"..The pizzeria. We need to bring him back..."

"What? It's burned! Why there..?"

"We need to burn him. He escaped d... during the first fire. He was... meant to die there."

This new information made my mind a bit foggy as I processed everything. Lefty obviously knew a lot more about this thing then I did, but I trusted him.

"...Okay I'll... I'll take your word for it..."

"...Are you alright?"

"Ah I... I will be... and you?"

"When you're safe."

I couldn't help but chuckle a little. I stepped out of the bathroom, a bit slow at first. Lefty was right behind me as we both made it back to the kitchen. I stared down at the rabbit with a grimace.

"...To the pizzeria."

Hey guys! I just wanna say thank you guys so so much for the massive support you've been giving me! Sorry this was super late, but thank you for sticking around and reading this! It really does mean a lot to me! Take care, and I'll hopefully have some more chapters out soon!~♥

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