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Meme I made like an hour ago lawl

I woke up feeling exhausted. Which wasn't unusual but this time it was like that exhaustion that made you just want to lay like a slug in bed all day and not even fall back asleep. Or I could be just depressed. Or stressed, one or the other. I sighed and brought the covers up over my ear to silence my alarm. It did not work. So I just made myself turn it off, walk to my living room and just pick up the my tablet to view my catalog. Try to see if I can find anything interesting. Maybe ventilation doors or something. I noticed that because of my purchases yesterday, that there was a "Rare Finds Auction" catalog. I clicked on it and why, was everything there so expensive?! I scrolled through half-heartedly and just thought that I'll save it. But then I scrolled to find an animatronic at $5? Five dollars?! Why? I looked closer at the picture. It appeared to be a large black bear with a red accents on his face and gold accessories. In fact, he looked exactly like that Rockstar Freddy I passed not too long ago. Only... better, because he seemed more interesting somehow. He was missing an eye and his name was Lefty. Lefty huh.

"Because he's left-handed, duh."

I nearly felt myself click "Buy" but I then noticed his Liability Risk. Of 9. OF NINE?! Why? Well, that explains why he's so cheap. But he seems to be in excellent condition. I thought very hard for a moment.

Well, I'll buy him. He's cheap and looks very good in quality terms. I'll get a closer look when he arrives at the restaurant. He can't be that bad, right? No, shouldn't. He can't be as bad as the vent spiders. I put down my tablet and got ready to go to that freakshow of monster robots.

Time Skip (7:30am)

Closing the doors as I arrived, I realized how... not exhausted I felt. I actually felt pretty uplifted. I made my way to the back area where my animatronic would be waiting for me. I was actually kinda jittery and excited. I mean, it was a new addition to my small family, all we had was Candy Cadet. Plus, the bear looked super cool. I got out my utility dolly from a small storage room, not even realizing that I had a smile plastered on my face. Rolling it down the hall, I opened the door to the back area and there he was. Standing still kind of like a statue. I let go of the dolly and got closer to him. He has got to be at least 8 feet. Without even thinking, I just hugged him. The way he felt pressed against my cheek was super fuzzy. He's quite soft really, for a robot anyway.

"Hopefully you won't murder me, huh big guy?"
I stood back and examined him. He look the same as the photo on the catalog. Doesn't seem to be any problems. Could it be his eye? Perhaps not. I don't even think that would bother me that much as a kid. I circled him, checking his back. He does have a button on the back of his head. I'm assuming that's how to turn him on. No weird smell, maybe it's something during his performance? I don't want to get lawsuits because then I'll have to get rid of him. Anyway, I stuck him on the dolly and rolled him out on the stage.

After I put the dolly back, I went back to examine him. I stood up on my toes to press the button on the back of his head. Immediately I could hear the soft buzz of motors and all the inner workings inside of him moving. He then stood up straight and his other eye opened while the other one just stayed with the hanging eyelid. His right eye was a bright gold. His arm holding the mic kinda move a little and he began chomping his mouth but no sound came out. Strange, is he supposed to do that?

I looked up at him again, concerned. Maybe that's what it is. His voicebox is busted or something. Damn, thought I might have a new animatronic up today. I sighed and pressed the button again. Although, he still stood up straight and his eye was still open. His eyelids came down a little more though and his jaw hung loose.

"...Awh Lefty, what is wrong with you?"
His head almost seem to hang a little more.
I stepped a little closer to his face.
"...Are you alright in there? ....It's almost opening time... I'll look at you later hopefully. That sound good?"
No response from him. Except when all was silent I swear I could hear breathing. And no, not my own. I stood on my toes closer to Lefty's face. His eye seemed to pierce directly into mine. Quite literally staring into my soul. I slowly turned my head and.

Cold air.

Cold air came out of his mouth steadily. Like he was breathing. I kind of lost my balance and stood back on my heels again. I stared up at him.

"....You're a mystery aren't you? Where... where do you come from?"

I disregarded it and left him there as I went to my office kind of slowly. I almost felt like bringing Lefty with me so I'd feel a little more safe in that small room. But then again, he might eat my butt too. Oh well.

When I got there to my office, I noticed that kid drawing I liked last time was of Lefty. I kinda smiled at it and carefully took it off the wall. I looked at it a bit more before folding it up and putting it in my back pocket. That won't count as stealing right? It's just a child's drawing. Anyway, time to get to work.


Y/N did not even notice that Lefty's gaze followed them as they walked to their office.

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