Chapter 15

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Lara woke to Charlotte and Grace jumping on her bed, and she turned to look at the clock in panic. Throwing back the covers she said, "I've overslept girls, you'll be late for softball practice. You guys go and brush your teeth, and I'll go get breakfast for you. You can eat it while I get dressed." Less than forty-five minutes later she was driving towards the school sports area, hair still wet from the shower. Over at Linda's Mark passed his wife a coffee as they sat on their back patio enjoying the perfect Florida winter sunshine. "Have either of them answered?" Linda shook her head. "I'm worried sick Mark. Joe's car was still there at two am when I got up and looked out the back window." Mark gave his wife a knowing smile, "You know they may just be kinda worn out and slept in." Linda rolled her eyes and picked up her phone.

Before she drove home, Lara picked up her bag and saw Linda's missed calls and her text asking if she was okay. She took a deep breath and messaged to say she was just leaving school and would drop in when she got back." She parked on her drive and walked 'round to the back where Linda had said she'd find them. Mark stood up and hugged her before saying, "I'll go grab you coffee. Sit with Linda." Lara nodded and bent to hug her friend before sinking down on the comfortable garden seat. She could see Linda was anxious, and she said, "Sorry, I overslept. Had the phone on silent, and I then I was running late to take the girls. I know Joe told you what happened after the charity event. I'm okay Linda, honestly I am. Joe and I talked, and we're both fine."

Linda exhaled in relief as Mark came out with the coffee. Lara smiled, taking the cup from her husband, and Linda said, "I'm so relieved to hear you say that, but you gotta give me a little more honey. What does fine mean?" Lara smiled, and despite the dark circles under her eyes, Linda and Mark shared a look recognising it was a smile of pure happiness. "I told him how he makes me feel, and he told me he loves me. We just talked about what had happened to both of us." She paused and looked carefully at them both, "Joe explained about what he nearly did on the top floor of that car park, and I love you both more than ever knowing you're the reason he's still here." Linda's eyes filled with tears, and Mark stroked her hair as Lara continued, "I told him the full story about Paul's death. How a complete stranger I didn't know he was having an affair with, turned up at the funeral and told everyone there, including my little girls he was planning on leaving me as soon as Christmas was over, and he'd never loved me. I explained to Joe that when he met me on that plane, I might have looked in control, but I was barely keeping my head above water." Lara wiped her own eyes and drank some coffee as Linda reached to squeeze her hand. She said, "I need to be done crying over the past. I really love Joe, and this feels like a second chance at life, a chance to be happy. He's coming over later, and I think today is a new start for both of us." Linda brushed her tears away and said, "You're the only girl I've ever felt was perfect for him, and I swear Lara, now he's admitted how he feels he'll take such good care of you. He's one of the good guys." Her phone vibrated, and Lara saw the notification and finished her coffee. "It's Joe. He wants to know if he can come 'round. I'd better go."

Joe was leaning on the counter at the condo, and he smiled seeing her response. "I'm going to go Mom, she's heading home, she was at Linda and Mark's." Pat held his face and kissed him, "I'm so happy for you Joe, and your little English family. Go and take care of your girls." He hugged her and grabbed his keys. As he got to the door, she said, "And Joe, I'm proud of you. Your Dad would have been too." Joe nodded, not trusting himself to speak and left. Sitting in the car, he messaged Linda to say he'd talk to her later. He drove the short distance to Lara's and when she opened the door, her hair still damp on the ends his heart lurched and he came in and kissed her with abandon, not even bothering to close the door behind him. When he let go of a breathless Lara, she gave him a smile that caused his heart to race and said, "Can you close the front door? The neighbours are getting quite a show." He burst out laughing and closed the door before following her to the family room.

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