Chapter 31

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Andy Davis made his way along the corridor, jerking his head to indicate the chairs in the corridor to the two men accompanying him. Stopping at the nurses' station he said, "Hi. Is JJ around?" Marie looked up and said, "Yeah, he's with a patient. Do you need him?" Andy smiled, "Yeah, I've got a couple of police officers here to see Lara Cookson, but I wanted to check in with JJ before I let them see her." Marie bobbed her head, "Give me a minute and I'll go get him." She returned with JJ a few minutes later from further up the corridor, and he smiled, "Hey Andy. Three times in one week! You trying to escape the ER?" Andy grinned, "I've got a couple of police officers wanting to speak to Lara Cookson, but I wanted to check with you before I went in. How's she doing?" JJ smirked, "You could have just called. It's not often you guys from the ER are this interested in a patient once you patched 'em up and shipped 'em up here. Then again, they're not often pretty British girls." Andy punched his arm smiling, "Shut up. Is she up to visitors?" JJ relented, "Yeah, she's doing pretty good. I've ordered some new images and we'll bust her out tomorrow as long as they're good." Andy nodded, "I'll just go check she's happy to talk to them." JJ winked at Marie, "Yeah, go ahead. I mean Marie couldn't do that." Andy rolled his eyes laughing.

He knocked Lara's door and her face broke into a smile, "Hello. I wasn't expecting to see you!" Andy came and perched on the side of the bed with a smile which quickly left to reveal a more serious face. "Lara, there's a couple of police officers outside to see you. JJ says he's happy you're medically okay for them to talk to you, but I wanted to see if you were comfortable about it before I let them in. Do you want to call your boyfriend to be with you?" Lara looked pained and shook her head, "That's really thoughtful of you. Thing is, I don't want Joe to have to hear what they did to me. What they said they'd do. He's been through enough." Andy instinctively reached for her hand, "I understand." He hesitated, "Would you like me to stay?" Lara's eyes filled with tears and she said, "God that's so kind of you. I don't want to take you away from work though." She pulled a face, "Like saving lives and stuff. I mean, I don't want some poor soul to die of a heart attack because I'm monopolising the doctor." Andy grabbed her a Kleenex and passed it to her with a grin, "Lara, I hate to break it to you, but there's more than one doctor in the ER. Much as I'd love you to think I'm saving a steady stream of patients every shift, I'd probably only be tending to the odd broken arm or an old guy with a urinary tract infection. I'm happy to stay and be with you if that would make it easier." Lara laughed despite her tears and nodded, "Yes please."

Andy left to bring Eric Young and Alejandro Martinez through to the room. As he reached them he stopped and said, "She said she doesn't want us to call her boyfriend, but she'd like me to stay with her. Is that okay with you guys?" Eric glanced at Ale and nodded, "Sure. We'll do our best to get through this quick, but we have to get the details from her." Andy nodded as they approached the door to Lara's room, "Yeah, I get it, but as the doctor, if it gets too intense, I get to call time and you'll have to circle back. Agreed?" Eric nodded, "Sure doc."

Ale deliberately didn't look at Eric when he saw Lara's face. He'd seen the photographs they'd taken in the ER and sent over as evidence, but now the bruises were darker against Lara's naturally pale skin he found it hard to hide his shock. Eric clenched his teeth thinking in his long career this was one of the cases he'd find hard to forget. Andy had pulled an extra chair up on one side of the bed and he took one on the opposite side. After introducing themselves the two seasoned police officers probed Lara through exactly what happened from the time she stepped out of her car. Recounting the painful details and reliving her fear, Lara had tears rolling down her face and Andy unconsciously slipped a hand in hers. Seeing the concerned look on the doctor's face Eric changed tack and said gently, "Lara, I know that was hard. Can we get you some water or something?" Andy jumped up releasing her hand and muttered, "I got that." Lara gratefully took a few sips and Eric nodded at Ale who said, "Can you tell us anything about why these people would think you were Scott Griffin's partner?" Lara nodded and explained about Scott taking her for coffee, and how they sat in the window of the coffee shop. She sighed, "He said he was sorry, but my gut instinct said he wasn't. When those men said he was my boyfriend I didn't realise at first, it was only later when they told Joe they wanted money that the penny dropped. Scotty just used me." Ale nodded and said quietly, "They had someone following Scott. He had to make it look like you were seeing him." Lara nodded and said in a haunted voice, "I keep thinking, if I hadn't told them about Joe, if I'd told them I was pregnant, maybe they'd have just let me go." Andy squeezed her hand as Eric shook his head, "Listen to me Lara. None of this has anything to do with what you did or didn't say. These guys are ruthless, they knew you had some connection with Scott and they were gonna use that one way or another. If you hadn't told them you were seeing Joe, they'd have grabbed Scott, and he'd have told them because using you as leverage to get Joe to pay was exactly what he was banking on."

Andy sat up and said assertively, "I think that's enough for today. I think Lara needs to rest and she's due to go for a scan soon." Ale stood up and Eric nodded and touched Lara's shoulder, "Hey, what you told us will help us keep these bastards off the streets for a long time. It was good to meet you Lara. We'll be in touch with you and Joe." He turned to Andy, "We'll see ourselves out Doc." As the door closed Andy went with his instinct, moved to sit on the bed and wrapped his arms around Lara. Worn down by reliving the traumatic events and admitting her own regrets, he felt her body wracked by sobs. Andy ran a hand down her back and whispered, "Shushhh. It's okay Lara. It's all over." As he felt her breath even out he released her and Lara wiped her face. "God sorry. Bet you wish you hadn't offered to stay now. Well over and above the call of duty." The doctor passed her a new Kleenex and looked pained, "No, not at all. I'm just so sorry this happened to you. Do you want me to call anyone?" Lara shook her head, "No, thanks though. Joe's gone to the office, but he said he's coming back later." Andy nodded and said with a smile, "I'll just go and check what time your scan is. Back in a minute."

Left alone Lara took a deep breath and dried her eyes. Andy returned and smiled sitting on the edge of the bed, "They should be here in about ten minutes, and I'd better get back to those old guys with urinary tract infections." Lara smiled and said, "Thanks. I really mean that. I know you didn't even have to come up yesterday or today. You're very kind." Andy looked sheepish, "You're right. I didn't have to come up, but to tell you the truth it was as much for me as for you. I wanted to see you. You got under my skin." He flushed a little and added, "Joe's a lucky guy. I gotta go." He walked to the door and turned to say, "Take care Lara." When he got to the nurses' station JJ was using the computer and looking up he said, "Everything okay?" Andy sighed, "That was so rough for her. She was real upset having to relive it all, but she seems okay now. I told her they're coming to take her for the scan soon." JJ nodded and looked at his friend carefully. "You okay Andy?" He shook his head and said as he walked off, "Yeah, I'm fine. See ya later."

JJ was still using the computer when an orderly arrived to take Lara to radiology. He looked up and said, "I'll just have a quick word before you go in. Hang on." He jogged to the room and found Lara looking preoccupied. "Hey Lara, the guy's here to take you for that scan. You okay?" Lara snapped out of her thoughts and smiled, "Yes, sorry, I was miles away." JJ came and glanced at her chart. "Good. Andy said that was rough just now with the cops." Lara sighed and blushed, "Yeah, I wailed all over the poor man, but it's done now. It doesn't sound like they'll need to go into it all again." JJ nodded looking at her carefully and said, "I'll go tell the orderly you're ready."

Joe collected Pat before he made his way to the hospital. She'd made him a sandwich which he ate gratefully. She shook her head, "Good God Joe, you'll have indigestion." He grinned, "Sorry, I was starving. Pass me one of those cookies will you?" Pat smiled indulgently and passed the plate along with a glass of milk. Joe grabbed a second cookie and nodded lifting his Mom's bag, "Here, let's go. I know I'm rushing you, but I want to get back to her in case the police come." When they arrived at Lara's room Pat was slightly breathless since Joe had been unable to resist rushing her through the hospital. Lara smiled seeing them come in and Joe came to sit on the edge of the bed, noticing the evidence of tears on her face. After gratefully accepting a gentle kiss from Joe, she turned to the opposite side of the bed to let Pat hold her, wincing slightly at the pressure on her bruises. Joe saw and muttered, "Mom, be careful." Pat gasped and sat back, "Oh Lord, I'm so sorry Lara honey." She touched her face carefully and said emotionally, "Look what they did to you precious girl." Lara smiled, "I'm okay Pat. I just want to get home." Joe took her hand, "Lara, what's gone on since I left? You look upset sweetheart." Lara gave him a sad smile, "The police came." Joe stroked her face and looked pained, "Why didn't the staff call me so I could be there with you." Lara shook her head setting off a dull throbbing from the stitched wound at the back. "I asked them not to call you Joe. I didn't want you to have to hear all those details. The ER doctor who treated me, Andy, he brought them up and offered to ring you. When I said no he stayed with me the whole time. He was really kind." Joe kissed her and let out a groan, "Hell Lara, I hate what you're having to go through."

Lara squeezed his hand and tried to change the subject to more positive territory, "I had that scan when they'd gone. They said they'd just check the results later and then I'll know I can come home tomorrow. I messaged Linda and asked if she'd bring me some clothes." She suddenly looked at Pat, "I just realised, it's Thursday isn't it? Weren't you due to fly home to Chicago today Pat?" The older woman waved a hand dismissively, "Don't you worry yourself about that honey. Joe got Linda to move it back a couple o' weeks. I'm going to stay with you while he's at work, get you better and help you take care of those two beautiful little girls."Lara looked at her emotionally, "Really Pat?" She nodded in response and Lara glanced at Joe before replying, "That'll be so lovely. I'm so grateful you know, to you, in fact to everyone."

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