Chapter 24

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Will worked feverishly trying to tie up all the loose ends so he could get to April. The unexpected hours at Callex had caused a backlog of tasks and rearranged meetings. Driving home his face was grim reliving the meeting with Scott. Initially, he'd denied all involvement, but faced with the evidence he'd turned savage about both Lara and Joe. The only time his rage faltered slightly was when he demanded Joe do his own dirty work and fire him. Will told him that was impossible since he was at the hospital with Lara. Will could see it had dawned on Scotty that he'd hurt something Joe cared for even more than Callex, and he'd suddenly realised he needed to be afraid of what Joe might do if he did see him. Both Will and Dean had been relieved to see Scott escorted out of the building by Mickey Morris and Jose Garcia from security.

He opened his front door with trepidation and April moved across the kitchen to meet him, relief flooding from her every move. He kissed her, swiftly taking in the discarded plates, cups and lego spread all over the rug in the family area where the three children were playing with it. She said quietly with concern, "Lara?" Will nodded, "Fine, Joe said they're sending her home. She just needs to rest. He's coming to collect the girls as soon as he's got her settled at the house." He cupped her face, "April honey, I'm so damned proud of you. I know how hard this is for you, but you did it." Her eyes filled with tears and he jerked his head to the three children, "Just look at his face April." He smiled and kissed her, "I'll help you clean up."

Joe arrived soon afterwards. Brandon ran colliding with his legs and Joe launched him into the air saying, "Hey buddy! Have you been taking care of my girls?" Brandon pulled him to the rug and he allowed himself to be towed there winking at April. Charlotte flung her arms around his neck and he kissed the nearly eleven year old's soft cheek. Grace dropped her lego and demanded he pick her up as he stood. Brandon sat amongst the lego and said, "Awww do you have to take them home? We're still playing." Joe ruffled his head still holding Grace and said, "'Fraid so. Your Dad's been helping me all day and your Mom's been helping Lara by looking after these guys, so it's time we headed home." He kissed Grace and dropped her to her feet saying to both girls, "Go grab your stuff and we'll get you home to Mommy."

As they ran off he crossed to April and kissed her cheek, "Thanks April. Lara's so grateful you could get them. Linda and Mark were with me, and I knew we could trust you." April blushed at his praise and Will glowed at Joe's sensitivity. He smiled and said, "Has Will told you what happened?" April shook her head, "No, he hasn't had chance yet." Will clapped Joe's back, "I'll fill her in when Brandon's gone to bed. How's Lara now? Joe smiled and April watched it illuminate his whole face in a way she'd never seen before, "She's good. Just so wiped out." The girls had arrived at his feet with all their school bags and he grinned, "Will, I'll catch you tomorrow if that's okay. I'm gonna need you to help me steer the ship through this one." Will draped his arms over Brandon's shoulders, "Sure. We'll just take each issue as it comes up. Just promise me you'll keep away from Scotty and anyone who's trying to plead his case." Joe nodded sombrely and guided Charlotte and Grace through the door as they both said, "Thank you for having us April."

Will got Brandon upstairs, showered and into his pyjamas before bringing him down for his glass of milk. He found April washing her hands and she went pink, turning the tap off quickly. He and Brandon cleared away the lego and he told his son to take the box back to its place in his playroom. With the room returned to its normal pristine condition, Brandon returned and April kissed him before Will went with him to brush his teeth and get into bed. When he came down April was washing her hands again, and Will called her to the couch and ordered takeout saying, "While we wait for the food I can explain what went on." Sighing he said, "April, it's fine. Everything's back exactly as it was. You were amazing. You even let him bring toys out here. Just relax." April put her arms around her husband and said, "Thanks Will. I'm fighting it but it's so hard. The rain, I couldn't take them outside." Will kissed her and said, "I know and I meant it. I'm proud of you."

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